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Huobi founder has denied reports that he wants to sell his Huobi stake.

Leon Li, the founder of Huobi, has denied Bloomberg’s report that he is in talks with foreign investors to sell his stake in the crypto exchange. 

Li dismissed the report as false, adding that there are no ongoing plans to transfer the majority of shareholders’ shares. He added that the company’s operations are still stable, which is in contrast to Bloomberg’s report. 

Bloomberg’s Coverage of Li’s Intention to Sell His Stake

Recall that Bloomberg reported earlier today that Li is liaising with international investors to sell a majority of his stake at the exchange for around $2 billion or $3 billion. 

Bloomberg cited anonymous sources in its report, who said: 

“[Li] hopes that the new shareholders will be more powerful and resourceful, and that they will value the Huobi brand and invest more capital and energy to drive the growth of Huobi.” 

According to the anonymous source, cryptocurrency entrepreneurs, Justin Sun and Sam Bankman-Fried, are among those willing to buy Li’s Huobi stake. 

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Source: https://thecryptobasic.com/2022/08/12/huobi-founder-denies-bloomberg-report-suggesting-he-sought-to-sell-his-stake-for-3b/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=huobi-founder-denies-bloomberg-report-suggesting-he-sought-to-sell-his-stake-for-3b