Заинтересовани за Алткоине? Ево 3 која би могла повећати ваш портфолио на текућем тржишту медведа

Алтцоинс: The ongoing медвед тржиште has resulted in uncertainty around the future of many crypto projects and has instilled caution in investors.

With portfolios going red, it’s understandable that investors want to tread sensibly in the current market scenario. Hence, we have compiled a list of altcoins, that look most stable and low risk, and could hold your portfolio together in the ongoing bear market.


Етереум (ЕТХ)

Ethereum is usually criticised for having high gas fees for conducting transactions. However, with its recent pivot to a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism and scheduled ecosystem upgrades that will make the network more scalable, more secure, and more sustainable, Ethereum is here to stay.

It would be virtually impossible to think about the NFT and dApp ecosystem without Ethereum. With so much usability and significance, Ethereum will remain a force in the industry despite a bear market.

Тренутна цена: 1,212.54 УСД
Тржишна капитализација: 148 милијарди долара


Although BNB is a utility token and has been regularly criticised for being too “centralized,”  it has captured a significant market share in the crypto industry.

One can not underestimate the rise of Binance’s ecosystem and the subsequent importance of BNB (to pay for goods and services, settle transaction fees on Binance Smart Chain, participate in exclusive token sales, etc.).

Тренутна цена: 249.35 УСД
Тржишна капитализација: 39 милијарди долара

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Ripple (along with two of its top executives) is embroiled in a court case with the SEC, with the latter alleging that they should have registered XRP as a security, while the company maintains that XRP is a currency.

Regardless of the legal battle, XRP is still prominent as the ecosystem seeks to replace the old, expensive, and cumbersome international payments system. It can aide traditional financial institutions in modernising their infrastructure to enable fast and cost-effective payment processing.

Тренутна цена: 0.345 УСД
Тржишна капитализација: 17 милијарди долара

Такође читајте: Топ 5 сертификата за улазак у индустрију Веб 3.0

Дхирендра је писац, продуцент и новинар који је радио у медијској индустрији више од 3 године. Технолошки ентузијаста, радознала особа која воли да истражује и зна о стварима. Када не ради, можете га наћи како чита и разуме свет кроз сочиво интернета. Контактирајте га на [емаил заштићен]

Представљени садржај може садржати лично мишљење аутора и подложан је тржишним условима. Истражите тржиште пре него што инвестирате у крипто валуте. Аутор или публикација не сноси никакву одговорност за ваш лични финансијски губитак.

Source: https://coingape.com/here-are-3-altcoins-that-could-boost-your-portfolio-in-ongoing-bear-market-top-best/