КараТ Поол [КАРАТ]- Тхе Цриптономист

Овонедељни гост на Цардано СПО колона је базен за улог operated by Toshi from Japan who lives in Bangkok, Thailand and aims to donate 25% of the stake pool’s revenue to an orphanage in Thailand: KaraT Pool [KARAT].

Претходни гост био stake pool whose mission is to help dog shelters find loving homes for stray dogs.

Ова иницијатива је референтна тачка за све Цардано и сваке недеље или две позваћемо а Оператор базена улога (СПО) да одговори на нека питања и да нам да ажурирање директно из заједнице Цардано.

С обзиром да су многи наши читаоци нови у крипто простору, имаћемо а мешавина једноставних и техничких питања.

Cardano SPO Column, interview with KaraT Pool [KARAT]

Cardano SPO KaraT Pool
Cardano SPO [KARAT] is a relatively new stake pool. Screenshot taken from поол.пм

Hi, thanks for your time. Tell us something about yourself, where are you based?

Моје име је Toshi Karasaki and I own the KaraT Stake Pool (KARAT). I am јапански and I live in Бангкок, Тајланд

I have been travelling since 1990 and have been to many countries. I have been interested in crypto since 2016.

The KARAT pool was registered in November 2022. KARAT aims to support the decentralization of the Cardano ecosystem и истовремено donate approximately 25% of the stake pool’s revenue to an orphanage in Thailand у будућности. 

Naša block generation node налази се у Сингапур. Currently we have minted 1 block and maintain an average stake of 270,000 ADA.

Који је пут који вас је довео до Цардана и до тога да постанете Оператор групе улога (СПО)?

Био сам purchasing and staking ADA ever since I came across this blockchain, but I thought that I could contribute more to Cardano, so I took on the challenge of setting up a new pool with the cooperation of Japanese SPOs in Bangkok.

We will contribute to the decentralization and security improvement of the Cardano network.

How are crypto and blockchain viewed in Japan? Is there a strong Japanese Cardano community?

Japanese startups are unfortunately lagging behind the rest of the world, not just in blockchain. Crypto and blockchain are not popular yet. Only a few % people are involved, but there is a big Cardano Community звао SPO JAPAN GUILD.

What are you most looking forward to with Cardano? Are there any particular projects you’re keeping an eye on?

We look forward to further recognition of the Cardano ecosystem у наредним годинама.

We are a latecomer single pool, so we have our concerns about the future, but we would like to work on stable operations with the aim of becoming a pool that will serve as a bridge between communities in Japan and Asia.

I joined the Guild to contribute to the ultimate scalability blockchain because I was impressed by Cardano’s philosophy of providing wallets for 1 billion people. I recommend everyone to keep learning and be part of a great ecosystem!

The first goal is to achieve a delegation of 3 million ADA and aim for stable operation.  

Great contribution. Where can people stay in touch?

Currently, we are only on Twitter, but in the future we would like to have a website and YouTube channel.

Одрицање од одговорности: Мишљења и ставови СПО-а су њихова лична и не одражавају нужно ставове Цардано фондације или ИОГ-а.

Source: https://en.cryptonomist.ch/2023/01/21/cardano-spo-column-karat-pool-karat/