ЛБанк Берза ће уврстити РИЗОН (АТОЛО) 24. јануара 2022

INTERNET CITY, DUBAI, Jan. 11, 2022 – LBank Exchange, a global digital asset trading platform, will list RIZON (ATOLO) on January 24, 2022. For all users of LBank Exchange, the ATOLO/USDT trading pair will be officially available for trading at 20:00 (UTC+8) on January 24, 2022.

Aiming to become the financial hub for digital assets and businesses, RIZON (ATOLO) provide a platform where fiat currencies around the world can be securely issued on and enable businesses to interoperate with each other through the Cosmos IBC module. Its native token ATOLO will be listed on LBank Exchange at 20:00 (UTC+8) on January 24, 2022, to further expand its global reach and help it achieve its vision.

Увођење RIZON

RIZON is a digital currency & asset hub, and a decentralized network platform that helps one to connect other blockchain and build one’s own network easily. It utilizes Tendermint engine and Cosmos IBC (Inter-Blockchain Communication) Protocol to enable optimal business scalability and usability. Modules supported in RIZON allow decentralized governance and issuance of stablecoins. With RIZON Blockchain, businesses can significantly reduce operational costs while facilitating instant exchange of assets and horizontal expansion across borders. Interconnected businesses on RIZON can scale without constraint while maintaining sovereignty and staying blockchain agnostic. RIZON supports governance for minting digital assets, business module for identity verification, internet of things business module, non-fungible token business module and more.

The core features of RIZON provide advantages for it compared to other programs. With RIZON, one can instantly swap assets between sovereign networks with liquidity supplemented by secure stablecoins, and maximize business profitability by reducing third party intervention and employing lower payment fees. One can also securely mint governance or non-governance assets for various use-cases, and scale businesses horizontally through IBC Protocol and reduced costs in acquiring secure validator and relayer sets. To help secure the advanced RIZON network, ATOLO, the native token of RIZON, plays an important role in RIZON ecosystem.

About ATOLO Token

The RIZON Blockchain is a public Delegated Proof-of-Stake (DPoS) blockchain, meaning that the weight of validators is determined by the amount of staking tokens (ATOLO) bonded as collateral. These ATOLO can be self-delegated directly by the validator or delegated to them by other ATOLO holders. Each member of a validator’s staking pool earns revenue from block rewards and transaction fees. To participate in governance, validators and delegators on the RIZON Blockchain can vote on proposals to change operational parameters (such as the block gas limit), coordinate upgrades, or make a decision on any given matter.

The ATOLO token will be listed on LBank Exchange at 20:00 (UTC+8) on January 24, 2022, investors who are interested in RIZON investment can easily buy and sell ATOLO on LBank Exchange by then. The listing of ATOLO on LBank Exchange will undoubtedly help it further expand its business and draw more attention in the market.

Сазнајте више о ATOLO Token:
Official Website: https://rizon.world/
Telegram: https://t.me/rizon_atolo_en
Твиттер: https://twitter.com/hdac_rizon

О размени ЛБанк

ЛБанк Екцханге, основана 2015. године, је иновативна глобална трговачка платформа за различита крипто средства. ЛБанк Екцханге својим корисницима пружа безбедно трговање криптовалутама, специјализоване финансијске деривате и професионалне услуге управљања имовином. Постала је једна од најпопуларнијих и најпоузданијих платформи за крипто трговање са преко 6.4 милиона корисника из више од 210 региона широм света.

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Source: https://www.livebitcoinnews.com/lbank-exchange-will-list-rizon-atolo-on-january-24-2022/