ЛБанк Берза ће дати на листу СТЕП 21. јануара 2022

INTERNET CITY, DUBAI, Jan. 13, 2022 – LBank Exchange, a global digital asset trading platform, will list STEP on January 21, 2022. For all users of LBank Exchange, the STEP/USDT trading pair will be officially available for trading at 21:00 (UTC+8) on January 21, 2022.

While being used to revolutionize the financial world, crypto can also be used to revolutionize the way for people to keep fit and healthy. As a revolutionary mobile App, Step makes it possible to get rewarded with cryptocurrency when working out and staying fit. Its native token STEP will be listed on LBank Exchange at 21:00 (UTC+8) on January 21, 2022, to further expand its global reach and help it achieve its vision.

Introducing Step

Step is a revolutionary mobile App that lets its users earn crypto for their fitness efforts. With Step, it’s easy to get fit and earn crypto at the same time, like a gym membership that pays back for every step taken. The mobile App tracks users’ steps and pay out in cryptocurrency based on how far they go each day, helping them become the best version of themselves.

To use the Step to earn crypto, one can just simply download Step Tracker App from the Play Store or from App Store, buy Step tokens and store them in wallet, then the Step Tracker App will automatically measure user’s daily walking or running activity and send crypto to their wallet. The Step App has an intuitive and clean design, tracks user’s progress and payments balance automatically, and can be synced with Apple Health and Google Fit. Currently, it supports all activities that involve steps and distance, with a plan of extending to many other types of activities in the future.

About STEP Token

To receive crypto rewards, Step users must hold at least 20,000 STEP tokens in their wallet, and take at least 4,000 steps daily. The rewards are not provided in STEP tokens but directly in BNB, they are calculated on the steps % quota among all eligible holders, a multiplier is then applied depending on how much tokens are held by each user.

The total supply of STEP is 1 billion (i.e. 1,000,000,000), it taxes a total of 10% on every buy/sell transaction, 5% of it is provided for reward pool, 2% is provided for liquidity pool, and the rest 3% is allocated for marketing.

The STEP token will be listed on LBank Exchange at 21:00 (UTC+8) on January 21, 2022, investors who are interested in Step investment can easily buy and sell STEP on LBank Exchange by then. The listing of STEP on LBank Exchange will undoubtedly help it further expand its business and draw more attention in the market.

Learn More about STEP Token:

Official Website: https://walkwithstep.io/
Telegram: https://t.me/walkwithstep
Твиттер: https://twitter.com/walkwithstep
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stepbsc

О размени ЛБанк

ЛБанк Екцханге, основана 2015. године, је иновативна глобална трговачка платформа за различита крипто средства. ЛБанк Екцханге својим корисницима пружа безбедно трговање криптовалутама, специјализоване финансијске деривате и професионалне услуге управљања имовином. Постала је једна од најпопуларнијих и најпоузданијих платформи за крипто трговање са преко 6.4 милиона корисника из више од 210 региона широм света.

Počnite da trgujete odmah: лбанк.инфо

Заједница и друштвени медији:

л Телеграм
л Фацебоок
л Линкедин

Контакт подаци:

ЛБК Блоцкцхаин Цо. Лимитед
ЛБанк Екцханге
[емаил заштићен]


Source: https://www.livebitcoinnews.com/lbank-exchange-will-list-step-on-january-21-2022/