ЛБанк се придружује Пластикс-у у кампањи за ефикасно смањење загађења пластиком

Crypto exchange LBank is proud to join forces with Пластикс, the blockchain-based recycling NFT platform in the campaign to efficiently reduce plastic pollution.

Called ‘The Art of Recycling’, the campaign aims at cutting down, recycling and reusing plastic waste to form a sustainable environment.

The top crypto exchange LBank, together with Plastiks, will promote clean oceans and beach access to many parts of Africa, starting with Ivory Coast. As such, LBank has donated towards the recovery of plastic wastes from the Ivory Coast.

This comes months after the crypto trading platform listed the PLASTIK token on its platform. In many ways, LBank is setting the pedestal as an exchange that not only lists great projects with good use cases but as one that also supports and contributes to the growth of such projects.

As a key player in the blockchain industry and an environmentally friendly company, LBank believes that reducing plastic pollution is an important goal to achieve.

The campaign targets to reduce, recycle and reuse plastic waste to form a sustainable environment.

The CEO of LBank, Allen Wei reiterates, “LBank sees NFTs as the latest method for certifying plastic recovery. It is due to this we deem it necessary to support this project in every way we can. We believe this will motivate other exchanges to follow suit and make our environment clean and greener.”

Specifically, the Plastiks marketplace utilises a smart contract approach to merge NFTs with real recovery data. Thus, setting a new standard for traceability in plastic production and recycling as well as how brands communicate their sustainability efforts with their consumers.

Through Plastiks’ Recovery Guarantee system, LBank hopes to help people in developing countries become more involved and committed to the movement for a plastic neutral environment by ensuring that a portion of the sale of each NFTs goes to the country’s green initiatives that have a direct impact on waste reduction and improving waste pickers´ lives.

In order to contribute to the global efforts in reducing plastic pollution and protecting oceans, LBank will contribute in stages towards the effort to jointly convert plastic trash into art pieces which can be used for public welfare and environmental protection.

According to Plastiks, this movement aims to improve the environment as well as “encourage and reward companies that show great effort in reducing their plastic footprints.” Corporate members of this alliance will be rewarded by giving them a “Plastic Footprint” score, which will then be displayed on their corporate profile pages.

Thanks to the efforts of awareness raising organisations like LBank, we hope to see more individuals and organisations recognizing the impact they have on our environment.

“We are grateful for LBank´s commitment to help reduce waste in the environment and lead the path in the crypto industry by creating accountability and impact in relation to NFT minting, trading and holding, ” said André Vanyi-Robin, CEO of Plastiks.

О размени ЛБанк

ЛБанк Екцханге, основана 2015. године, је иновативна глобална трговачка платформа за различита крипто средства. ЛБанк Екцханге својим корисницима пружа безбедно трговање криптовалутама, специјализоване финансијске деривате и професионалне услуге управљања имовином. Постала је једна од најпопуларнијих и најпоузданијих платформи за крипто трговину са преко 6.4 милиона корисника из више од 210 региона широм света.

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Контакт подаци:

ЛБК Блоцкцхаин Цо. Лимитед
ЛБанк Екцханге
[емаил заштићен]

О Пластиксу

Пластикс је најновија креација Нозаме – пионирског покретача у дигитализацији одрживости и први НФТ (Нон Фунгибле Токен) који показује посвећеност компанија опоравку и рециклирању пластике. Пластикс је по први пут успео да укључи НФТ у процесе рециклаже и истовремено нуди компанијама посвећеним животној средини могућност да то покажу на потпуно иновативан начин: НФТ, подржани гаранцијама за опоравак пластике, показују транспарентнији ланац вредности, истовремено представљајући могућност спајања са уметничким делима како би се створила емотивнија веза између компанија, колекционара уметничких дела и грађана-потрошача.


Source: https://www.livebitcoinnews.com/lbank-joins-plastiks-in-the-campaign-to-efficiently-reduce-plastic-pollution/