Дугорочне инвестиције у криптовалуте: Флов (ФЛОВ) и РобоАпе (РБА)

Данас, тржиште цриптоцурренци is one of the most popular investment opportunities, and it is simple to see why. Cryptocurrencies offer a great substitute for fiat currency.


These are digital, decentralised peer-to-peer currencies that aim to change the financial system and serve as a solution to the issues.

Encryption, which is semi-anonymous, not under the control of other parties, borderless, secure, inexpensive, and quick, is the primary factor contributing to the growth of crypto.


У тржиште криптовалута, there have been several sorts of currencies offering their own uses. Utility tokens are noteworthy owing to their real-world uses and are feasible long-term cryptocurrency investments. Проток (ФЛОВ) is one of the dominant utility tokens on the market.

Meme Tokens, another category that was formerly considered a lost cause, is currently advancing quickly. Схиба Ину (СХИБ) Догецоин (ДОГЕ) are among the most well-known cryptocurrencies launched in this industry.

Recently, a new meme token, РобоАпе (РБА), was presented to the market. This platform claims to alter analysts’ and investors’ perceptions of the meme world. It aims to transform the world of meme tokens. Let’s go further into what it has to offer.

Проток (ФЛОВ)

Проток (ФЛОВ), a blockchain developed by DapperLabs for Decentralised Applications (дАппс), focuses on NFTs and the development of online games in the Metaverse. Flow is quick and has minimal transaction costs. It utilises Proof-of-Stake to power its network.

ТОК is the native coin of the Flow blockchain and is used to store and power all transactions on the network.

Проток (ФЛОВ) coin has already shown significant promise with the success of its NBA Top Shot NFTs, which had over 3 million active members at the time of writing.

This coin is quickly gaining traction and has risen to the top 35 cryptocurrencies with a market valuation of about $2 billion.

Фловверсе comprises the integration of the Flow network into the Metaverse. Here, users can stake FLOW tokens and conduct transactions with them; other дефи tokens and NFTs will also be linked into Фловверсе transactions, making it an attractive long-term cryptocurrency investment.

РобоАпе (РБА)

РобоАпе (РБА) token is a futuristic meme token aiming to transform the meme token culture with various user-friendly services. It believes that resolving economic restrictions via a culture of sustainability and reward will enhance and permit development.

It is a unique utility deflation token that returns more than it takes.

Additionally, it will provide a дефи platform for meme and cryptocurrency fans.

It will be implemented by prohibiting team incentives and monetisation techniques. It will be a community-driven platform DAO, preventing team members from controlling its governance and empowering the community to make choices.

Са РРА token, the platform will give multiple financial options.

The ecosystem will be community-driven, with decentralised interaction and revenue generation alternatives. RBA is a token for deflationary memes.

There will be a transaction charge associated with each transac.

Half of the charge will be burned, while the other half will be returned to users. It causes the РРА token supply to decrease with each transaction.

This deflationary process ensures the token’s longevity and enhances its value.

This ecosystem is not limited to conventional blockchain systems and will offer a one-stop-shop for all cryptocurrencies.

Users can purchase, sell, and trade NFTs on the РобомајмунNFT Marketplace. It will include an РРА gas price for minting new NFT units via a new smart contract. Once produced, the NFT will appear in the creator’s wallet without any fees.



Придружите се претпродаји: пресале.робоапе.ио/регистер

Сајт: робоапе.ио

инстаграм: https://www.instagram.com/roboape.token

Твиттер: https://twitter.com/ROBOAPE_TOKEN

телеграм: https://t.me/ROBOAPE_OFFICIAL

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Source: https://cryptodaily.co.uk/2022/07/long-term-cryptocurrency-investments-flow-flow-and-roboape-rba