Луцки Блоцк проналази вишу подршку, постављен на тренд навише

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Срећан блок has been able to hold above the $0.0002200 level for a significant length of time. Nevertheless, downward forces have pushed it to its lowest near $0.0002200 within the last 24 hours, but LBLOCK was able to recover shortly afterward. At this point, this crypto appears to have found a strong base, from which it can take an upward leap.

ЛБЛОЦК: 8. новембар 2022
Вредност ЛБЛОЦК-а: 0.0002223 долара
Тржишна капитализација за Луцки Блоцк: 0.83 милиона долара
ЛБЛОЦК Проток: —–
Укупна понуда ЛБЛОЦК-а: 3.65 милијарди
Луцки Блоцк Цоинмаркетцап Ранг: #3894

Главне цене:
Највиши нивои: $0.0002223, $0.0002250, $0.0002290
Основни нивои: $0.0002215, $0.0002200, $0.0002180

LBLOCK Price Prediction: Lucky Block Finds a Higher Support, Set to Trend Upwards

LBLOCK Price Prediction: Lucky Block at the Start of an Upside Move

Examining the recent price behavior, from the last two price candles on the ЛБЛОЦК/УСД 4-hours chart, it appears as if price action has already found a strong support level. This new support level can be perceived to be near $0.0002205. Furthermore, the opening of the last candle here formed significantly higher than the previous one. On the RSI indicator, it could be perceived that the lines here have both given a bullish crossover, and are now slightly moving upwards. The activity on the RSI portrays that price movement is gradually gaining strength. With this, Lucky Block Price action focuses the $0.0002280 in a short term, while it could reach above the $0.0002300 price level in the longer term.

LBLOCK Price Prediction: Lucky Block Finds a Higher Support, Set to Trend Upwards

LBLOCK Price Prediction: Lucky Block a Displays Positive Outlook

Moving further to the ЛБЛОЦК/УСД 1-hour chart, price activity is showing some more positive signs about its price rising higher. Here, the last price candle here sowed that buying activities are exerting some noticeable influence on price movement, as a green dash candle formed. As a result, this has moved the price to come in contact with the MA line. Progressively, the RSI has reached the oversold area, however, a downside crossover was attempted but buying activities seem to have successfully averted this. Now traders should consider going long as the price may rise considerably from here.

Претпродаја ИМПТ токена је у току

Основни мотив за ИМПТ Токен је трансформација начина на који се управља кредитом за угљеник. Пројекат Импацт ће деловати као посредник између крипто индустрије и ЕСГ-а. Поред тога, програм претпродаје за ову криптовалуту је укључен и у процесу је прикупио 12 долара за неколико недеља.

Дасх 2 Траде се продаје по атрактивној цени

Претпродајни програм организован за ДКСНУМКСТ токен је прикупио преко 5 милиона долара. А овај фонд има за циљ да доведе намену ове платформе до актуелизације, као и њен даљи развој. Кључно је напоменути да је чак и у овом тренутку претпродаје цена ове криптовалуте и даље приступачна.

Овде можете купити Луцки Блоцк. Буи ЛБЛОЦК


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Source: https://insidebitcoins.com/news/lblock-price-prediction-lucky-block-finds-a-higher-support-set-to-trend-upwards