Цена МАТИЦ-а излази из тромесечног биковског обрасца наговештава раст од 3% унапред

polygon (matic)

Објављено пре 10 сати

Amid the ongoing sell-off in the crypto market, the MATIC price turned down from $1.53-$1.5 resistance and witnessed a minor correction phase. The coin price has been falling for five consecutive days and has recorded an 11.3% loss to reach the $1.36 mark. However, this downfall is a retest phase to the recently completed заокружујући узорак дна after the $1.31 resistance breakout.

Кључне тачке 

  • The core concept behind the rounding bottom pattern is that it represents a gradual shift in investor sentiment from bearish to bullish.
  • The parabolic growth in MATIC price backed by increasing volume indicates sustained recovery
  • Обим трговања унутар дана у МАТИЦ-у је 735.2 милиона долара, што указује на повећање од 37.5%.

МАТИЦ ЦенаИзвор- -Традингвиев

The last three months’ price action of MATIC coin showcased the formation of a rounding bottom pattern. The pattern is formed when a coin price gradually falls to a low point, then begins to rise in a steady, rounded pattern. This gradual rise can continue until the price reaches a level that is equal to or higher than the starting point of the pattern. 

15. фебруара, Цена МАТИЦ gave a bullish breakout from the $1.31 neckline resistance of this pattern, indicating the buyers’ confidence in reaching a higher level. However, as mentioned the altcoin formed a local top at $1.53 and reverted to retest the breached resistance.


This downfall backed by low-volume acting indicates the correction phase is temporary. If the coin price shows sustainability above $1.33-$1.31 the interest traders can look for an entry opportunity.

The post-retest rally could drive the polygon coin price 40% higher to hit the $1.88 mark. 

On a contrary note, this potential bullish rally may face in-between resistances at $1.53-1.5, and $1.74-1.7.

Технички индикатори

РСИ: despite rising price action, the daily РСИ нагиб moving sideways indicates weakness in bullish momentum. Thus, this bearish divergence indicates the MATIC price could witness strong pullbacks moving ahead.

ЕМА: The 20-day EMA has proven to offer strong support during the occasional pullback, and thus the traders can use it for trailing stop loss.

Унутардневни нивои цене МАТИЦ кованица

  • Спот стопа: 1.37 $
  • Тренд: Медвеђи
  • Испарљивост: ниска
  • Resistance levels- $1.53-1.5, and $1.74-1.7. 
  • Нивои подршке - $1.3 и $1.17

Од последњих 5 година радим у новинарству. Пратим блокчејн и криптовалуте у последње 3 године. Писао сам о разним темама, укључујући моду, лепоту, забаву и финансије. раецх ми на бриан (ат) цоингапе.цом

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Source: https://coingape.com/markets/matic-price-breaks-out-of-3-month-bullish-pattern-hints-40-rally-ahead/