Матрикпорт лансира први у индустрији Солана производ са две валуте

Users can expect to earn enhanced yields from SOL, alongside Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), and Bitcoin Cash (BCH).

Matrixport, one of the world’s largest and most trusted digital assets financial services platforms, today announced the expansion of its flagship Dual-Currency Product to support Solana (SOL).

Designed to host decentralized, scalable applications on the blockchain, Solana has over 400 projects in its ecosystem. In 3Q 2021, the market capitalization of its native token (SOL) grew by 400 percent. With this growth in liquidity coupled with growing customer interest in SOL, Matrixport is pleased to extend support for SOL, alongside BTC, ETH, and BCH in its popular Dual-Currency product.

Cynthia Wu, Chief Operating Officer of Matrixport, said “Support of SOL in our market-leading Dual-Currency product reaffirms our commitment to be responsive to market needs. As the crypto landscape matures, we expect to include more native tokens across our crypto investment products to provide our customers safe and sustainable access to yield opportunities.”

First introduced in 2019, Dual-Currency is a non-principal protected investment product with floating returns that allows investors to take advantage of market opportunities in times of volatility to generate yields. The guaranteed yield is secured at the time of investment, while the currency in which the investment will be settled would be either USDC/USDT or the cryptocurrency selected, depending on how the settlement price compares with the linked price. Matrixport’s Dual-Currency product, which supports Solana (SOL) is now available on the Matrixport App.

To celebrate the addition of Solana to our Dual Currency product, Matrixport eligible users will receive a 3% coupon to invest in Solana via Matrixport’s Dual Currency Product and investors who complete 5 investments will receive a total value of USD10 in rewards (payment in two coupons of $5 USD each).

О Матрикпорту

Matrixport is one of the world’s largest and most trusted digital assets financial services ecosystem. With USD4B in assets under management, it provides one-stop crypto financial services to meet the emerging needs of generating long-term wealth in digital assets. The company’s services include Cactus Custody™, spot OTC, fixed income, structured products, lending, and asset management. It also forges strategic collaborations with early-stage Web3 innovators, helping them build, grow and scale.

Са својом мисијом да свима учини криптовалуте лаким, Матрикпорт се немилосрдно фокусира на иновације производа. Нуди најсвеобухватнији пакет водећих крипто инвестиционих производа у индустрији. У 2021, финтецх компанија је постигла процену једнорога пре новца у року од две године од свог оснивања.

Headquartered in Singapore, Matrixport serves both institutions and retail customers across Asia and Europe. The company holds licenses in Hong Kong and Switzerland. For more information, visit ввв.матрикпорт.цом.

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Source: https://ambcrypto.com/matrixport-launches-industrys-first-solana-dual-currency-product/