Мета кажњен са 265 милиона евра због руковања подацима у Ирској

Meta Ireland Fine: Irish privacy regulators have been penalized мета over its handling of customer data. The €265 million fine pertains to a probe by the Irish Data Protection Commission. The investigation was centered around how the personal information of 500 million Facebook and Instagram users were posted online. This comes after recent developments at Meta surrounding cost cutting measures and mass layoffs. The mark Цукерберг company had invested heavily in its Metaverse project.

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Meta Faces Fine In Ireland

Према Извештај Финанциал Тимеса, the Commission had on Monday announced the conclusion of a probe launched in April 2020 on the leak of user data. The probe was focused around a tool that helps consumers find friends and people they know by importing contacts, it added. Responding to the regulator’s decision to impose fine, Meta responded saying it was reviewing the penalty decision.

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Recently, the Russian authorities included Meta to its list of extremist organizations. This was followed by a Russian court ruling that the technology company was involved in extremist activities. The country’s justice ministry had in November 2022 added Meta to the list of extremist organizations.

Анвесх извештава о великом развоју око усвајања криптовалута и могућности трговања. Пошто је повезан са индустријом од 2016. године, сада је снажан заговорник децентрализованих технологија. Анвесх се тренутно налази у Индији. Пратите Анвесха на Твитеру на @АнвесхРеддиБТЦ и контактирајте га на [емаил заштићен]

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Source: https://coingape.com/meta-fined-e265-million-over-data-handling-in-ireland/