ОККС интегрише Дапп функције, али може имати проблема са изворним токеном

OKX adds a Dapp discovery feature to improve the discoverability of decentralized applications. But will it face imminent regulatory challenges?

While exchanges try to survive the wrath of the крипто зима, OKX adds a new feature to enhance the discoverability of decentralized applications (Dapps). But there may come potential challenges from the regulators.

OKX Adds Dapp Discovery Feature 

 The crypto exchange OKX сарађивао with the app store for decentralized applications – DappRadar, to enhance the discoverability and interaction with Web3. OKX will make use of the DappRadar API to provide better discoverability of Dapps for its users.

In return, DappRadar will have the OKX новчаник as a default connection option to allow the users to “simply log in to DappRadar, access their portfolio, and discover dapps.”

The 2nd Proof of Reserves

OKX released its 2nd Proof of Reserves (ПоР) report with new Карактеристике to allow users to view reserve ratios for new and historical data. According to the Саопштење, the company has committed to publishing monthly PoR on the 22nd day of every month.

OKX Reserves
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But, keeping the current scenarios in mind, the community believes that publishing just Proof of Reserves није довољно да заштити инвеститоре. 

Док је а доказ о ревизији резерви is a great way to build trust, they are not without limitations. What ultimately led to the пад ФТКС-а was its liabilities. A liability is an obligation, especially a debt, that a company must make to another party (e.g., a creditor). Hence the community further Захтеви Proof of Liabilities as well.

Potential Regulatory Problems for OKB

The OKB is the native token of the OKX. This week, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) addressed the FTX token (FTT) as a security. Заједница верује that FTT being declared a безбедност set a dangerous precedent for all the exchange tokens.

Will OKB get labeled as a security? 

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Source: https://beincrypto.com/okx-adds-dapp-discovery-feature/