Дисцорд сервер ОпенСеа је компромитован, постављене су пхисхинг везе

The leading NFT marketplace, OpenSea, saw its Discord server hacked to conduct scams. The incident was highlighted by numerous users’ твеетс and blockchain security firm, ПецкСхиелд. As a result, OpenSea confirmed the action taken against the issue. 

OpenSea Tweeted regarding the incident:

We are currently investigating a potential vulnerability in our Discord, please do not click on any links in the Discord 

Релатед Реадингс | ОпенСеа купује драгуљ у настојању да повећа „професионално“ корисничко искуство

Colin Wu, a crypto reporter, also shared a screenshot from the Discord channel of the company on Твиттер. Wu said:

Званични ОпенСеа Дисцорд је хакован и поставио везу ка сајту за пхисхинг у партнерству са иоутубе-ом. Дана 1. априла, велики број блуе-цхип НФТ ДИСЦОРД-а је хакован и постављен је пхисхинг линкова.


Извор: Твиттер

OpenSea Discord Server Hacking Purpose

The principal purpose of the attack seems to conduct an NFT mint fraud. As per information appearing in screenshots, scammers advertised mint pass offers on the Discord server and Youtube liaison. It guided users to click on a fake link leading to the unofficial website using the word YouTube.

The offer was termed “YouTube Genesis Mint Pass” and presented 100% discounts on tokens for the first hundred customers; later on, the security firm Peckshield leaked that the offered link lead to a fraudulent site. 

The scammers used the announcement channel to convey the fraudulent message to the users, and now individual access to the channel have been hidden to avoid further mishaps. 

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One of the customers shared concerns regarding security issues and feared that scammers could easily access the wallets without private keys or passwords. As a result, the firms must monitor their social platforms 24 hours a day to escape more tragedies.  

There is no confirmation that any individual was a victim of the attack and lost NFTs, except one customer claimed the loss of one of their NFTs. But this digital asset was not officially acknowledged by the company. However, the attack resembles other NFT marketplace attempts to steal users’ funds. During these attacks, hackers offer fake incentives on the compromised Discord servers. 

Релатед Реадингс | ОпенСеа наводи број погођених корисника, али и даље проналази узрок хаковања

Other Similar Security Attacks

OpenSea had already faced a similar nature attack at the start of this year and assured affected customers to надокнаду $1.8 million to compensate for their losses.

The Discord Server of Bored Ape Yacht Club искусан a similar attack in early April.

The scammers hacked the Instagram account of Bored Ape a few days ago and је украо NFTs worth $2.8 million.

Unfortunately, the NFT market seems like an easy target for scammers and has caused the loss of many customers. Hackers use maneuvering tools, and the primary goal of those bad actors is to steal NFTs. 

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Source: https://bitcoinist.com/openseas-discord-server-compromised-phishing-links-posted/