Токен оптимизма је пао за 65% након Хипед Аирдроп-а

Optimism (OP), the token powering the layer-2 Ethereum scaling solution Optimism, shed 65.6% from its listing price of $4.57 shortly after its highly-anticipated десантисање.

OP currently trades at $1.57 after having dropped as low as $0.79 in the early hours after its listing, according to data from ЦоинМаркетЦап.

У априлу 2022. Оптимизам најавила an airdrop of 5% of the total supply of OP tokens or nearly 215 million tokens. A total of 248,699 users were eligible for the airdrops, according to data from Дуне Аналитицс

Currently, little under half of the available airdropped tokens have been claimed.

Optimism scaling abilities tested

The immense demand for the airdrop stress-tested the scaling capabilities of the layer-2 solution. 

“OP Drop #1 had a turbulent launch,” твеетед the team behind Optimism.

Users experienced delays in claiming their airdrop due to immense traffic on the Optimism public RPC (a gateway for apps to connect with the blockchain).

The airdrop also resulted in a tremendous increase in the number of transacting addresses on Optimism. According to data from Дуне Аналитицс, the number of transacting addresses jumped 150%, from 7.6k to 19k over the past 24 hours.

Transacting addresses per day on Optimism. Source: Дуне Аналитицс.

And as it’s mandatory to bridge assets from Ethereum to Optimism to claim the airdrop, activity on relevant bridges also rose. The number of users using the Optimism bridge increased from 141 on May 30 to 3,981 today, according to Дуне Аналитицс.

Према подацима из Етхерсцан, 71,439 wallets hold OP tokens at the time of writing. More than 88,300 addresses claimed their airdrop allocation, indicating that roughly 17,000 wallets immediately dumped their OP tokens for profits.

Водећа размена криптовалута Бинанце Такође пријавио delays for deposits on the Optimism network due to increased user demand on the network. 

The listing of OP token on Binance has also been одложен by an hour to 8 am UTC today.

The OP token currently trades across different crypto exchanges, including Huobi, Kucoin, Цоинбасе, Bitrue, and OKX.

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Source: https://decrypt.co/101768/optimism-token-plummets-hyped-airdrop