Орбеон Протоцол (ОРБН) наставља да се консолидује, док ЦАКЕ и АЛГО остварују мање добитке

Orbeon Protocol Breathes a New Life into NFTs




PancakeSwap (CAKE) and Algorand (ALGO) are tokens that have appreciated in value with the recent bullish conditions. However, their minor gains pale in significance to Orbeon Protocol (ORBN) which has seen a 100% surge in value.

ПанцакеСвап (ЦАКЕ) бележи значајне добитке

ПанцакеСвап је апликација за децентрализоване финансије (ДеФи). Аутоматизовани маркет мејкер (АММ) је платформа за кориснике да размењују токене и приступе ликвидности путем фарме, док имају добре шансе да зараде пристојне накнаде заузврат.

The decentralized exchange was launched in 2020 for swapping BNB Smart Chain-based BEP20 tokens.

Аутоматизовани маркет мејкер приступ ПанцакеСвап-а омогућава корисницима да тргују са групама ликвидности корисника који примају награде за ликвидност за депоновање својих средстава у такве групе. Изворни токен за замену палачинки (ЦАКЕ) је постигао известан успех из овога.

Since its launch, the PancakeSwap (CAKE) token has appreciated significantly. Seven days ago, PancakeSwap (CAKE) had a market value of $4.41 but currently stands at $4.89. Investors are bullish for the future of PancakeSwap (CAKE), as the recent price appreciation coupled with backing from a well-trusted exchange platform means that PancakeSwap (CAKE) has good fundamentals for further price appreciation if the favourable market conditions continue.




Алгоранд превазилази пад криптовалуте уз мањи добитак

Algorand is another token that has recorded minor gains recently. It is a decentralized and autonomous blockchain-based network for several applications. It provides scalable, secure, and efficient systems that support practical applications in the cyber world and the real world.

The Algorand Mainnet was launched in June 2019 and can handle about a million daily transactions a year and a half later.

Тренутно се продаје за 0.44 долара, Алгоранд је забележио мало повећање у односу на претходну вредност од 0.3443 долара у последњих 48 сати. Такође је наставио да бележи мање добитке с времена на време.

Орбеон протокол (ОРБН) надмашује главне токене

While most tokens have gained a little, Orbeon Protocol has continued to build on its momentum. It has consistently risen to every holder’s delight.

Orbeon Protocol was created to solve the obstacles between investors and venture capital. As a blockchain investment platform, the goal is to revolutionize crowdfunding and venture capital by solving the problems that make access to such investment opportunities a big challenge for investors.

Investors can take advantage of the platform to invest in early-stage businesses without breaking the bank. This also assists startups in raising capital much more quicker than ever before. Orbeon Protocol helps them achieve their goal by minting fractionalized NFTs for the company and making them available at affordable prices, as low as $1.

Orbeon Protocol offers these NFTs-as-Service (NFTsaS) through which it helps prospective companies raise funds and investors find vetted real-world businesses looking to raise capital and crypto projects. The ORBN token powers this diverse and utility-focused ecosystem, currently undergoing presale, and grants holders benefit such as staking bonuses, project governance rights, and access to exclusive investor groups.

It is clear why Orbeon Protocol is enjoying this positive momentum – The project’s colossal utility has investors eager to get involved early in its lifespan.

 Сазнајте више о претпродаји Орбеон протокола

Сајт: https://orbeonprotocol.com/

Предпродаја: https://presale.orbeonprotocol.com/register 

телеграм: https://t.me/OrbeonProtocol 

Одрицање од одговорности: Ово је спонзорисани чланак, и погледи у њему не представљају ставове ЗиЦрипто-а, нити их треба приписати ЗиЦрипто-у. Читаоци би требало да спроведу независно истраживање пре него што предузму било какве радње у вези са компанијом, производом или крипто пројектима поменутим у овом делу.

Source: https://zycrypto.com/orbeon-protocol-orbn-continues-to-consolidate-while-cake-and-algo-net-minor-gains/