Ориен Нетворк, БНБ и ТрустВаллет токен имају за циљ да буду будућност ДеФи-ја

Utility-Rich Oryen (ORY) among Most Trending ICOs after +100% Gain, Will ORY outsell Tamadoge (TAMA), IMPT.io (IMPT), and Big Eyes (BIG)?




There has been a recent uptick in activity surrounding decentralized finance (DeFi), a valuable ecosystem that facilitates “trust-less” exchanges and peer-to-peer payments. With its ability to remove intermediaries, the DeFi space attracts millions of people who want to reduce transaction times and costs. Analysts believe that the Ориен (ORY) Network, Binance (BNB), and TrustWallet Token  (TWT) are among the most pivotal cryptocurrencies for the future of DeFi.

Оријен (ОРИ)

Oryen (ORY) is a brand-new protocol developed for easy staking and long-term acquisitions. It features the Oryen Autostaking Technic (OAT), a proprietary protocol that provides users with a daily interest rate of 0.177%. This rate represents the most elevated returns available on the market, with an annual percentage yield of 90%.

Staking is also easy and safe for any token holder within the OAT System. Using a model called “Buy-Hold-Earn,” the Oryen Network does not need users to do anything other than buy and hold the ORY token. The protocol enables sending autostaking rewards directly to the user’s wallet, saving the holder the trouble of transferring their assets. Using a Positive Rebase formula, token holders receive rebase rewards every 60 minutes, which are paid out in ORY tokens to each token holder’s wallet.

The Oryen Network’s impressive rebase reward system and annual interest rate of 90% are made possible by a separate wallet in the protocol called the Risk-Free Value (RFV). The built-in wallet is akin to having a cushion to compensate for any dips in your daily ROI, responding to changes in the supply of BNB/ORY.

Without a doubt, the ORY cryptocurrency is a very lucrative digital asset. Стевен Цларке, a renowned cryptocurrency expert, has nothing but positive things to say about the market.





Launched in 2017, Binance has snowballed to become the largest cryptocurrency exchange in terms of capital holdings. Strong security and helpful customer service are two of the many benefits traders enjoy on this highly effective platform based on peer-to-peer interaction and blockchain technology. Token holders can use BNB coins to purchase goods and services, pay Binance Chain transaction fees, and participate in private token sales.

TrustWallet Token (TWT)

Trust Wallet Token is a BEP-20 utility token and a mobile wallet that support dozens of well-known cryptocurrencies and native assets. Even though it has no use outside the Trust Wallet ecosystem, TWT can be moved to any wallet that holds Binance Smart Chain assets, where users can trade it for other investments or use it to pay for services. People who own TWT tokens can save money when they buy cryptocurrency in-app or use decentralized exchange (DEX) services.


The decentralized finance (DeFi) industry is exploding and is poised to bring about a paradigm shift in blockchain technology and the financial services sector. If you are interested in learning more about the advantages and possibilities offered by the DeFi industry, the best place to start is with these three projects highlighted by industry professionals.

За више информација:

Придружите се претпродаји: https://presale.oryennetwork.io/register

Сајт: https://oryennetwork.io/

Одрицање од одговорности: Ово је спонзорисани чланак, и погледи у њему не представљају ставове ЗиЦрипто-а, нити их треба приписати ЗиЦрипто-у. Читаоци би требало да спроведу независно истраживање пре него што предузму било какве радње у вези са компанијом, производом или крипто пројектима поменутим у овом делу; нити се овај чланак може сматрати саветом за инвестирање.

Source: https://zycrypto.com/oryen-network-bnb-and-trustwallet-token-aims-to-be-the-future-of-defi/