Тужба Рипплеа доказује да слободно тржиште не постоји: КСРП адвокат

Риппле Невс: United States Department of Justice (DOJ) reportedly hinted that they will be taking action against the short selling ahead. The exercise of making a profit by betting against the stock price surge has now become a major focus for U.S. prosecutors.

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As per a report, the chief of the DOJ’s market integrity team made crucial comments on the short selling practice. This comes in when the U.S. regional banks stocks witnessed a massive sell off in the past few months. However, three mid size U.S. banks collapsed in just five days in the month of March 2023 triggering a sharp decline in global bank share prices.

Avi Perry, a Justice Department official reportedly stated that Short selling, including via options, is a top concern for prosecutors. He warned the market of more activity over short sellers ahead. However, he hinted that actions against officials using corporate trading plans to manipulate the market.

The report mentioned that U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and DOJ have extensively investigated the manipulation done by short sellers, including hedge funds, since 2021. Прочитајте више Риппле вести овде…

John Deaton, XRP holders’ lawyer in the U.S. SEC Vs Ripple lawsuit commented on the watchdog’s decision to go after short sellers. He stated that Ripple’s legal tussle with the commission depicts that free market capitalism doesn’t exist. The attorney highlighted the SEC’s inability to provide clear regulations to the market.

The SEC has been unable to prove its several assertions against Ripple in court. The commission constantly changed its cliams on the infamous Hinman’s Ethereum speech and related documents.

Ашиш верује у децентрализацију и има велики интерес за развој Блоцкцхаин технологије, екосистема криптовалута и НФТ-а. Његов циљ је да створи свест о растућој крипто индустрији кроз своје списе и анализе. Када не пише, игра видео игрице, гледа неки трилер филм или се бави неким спортовима на отвореном. Контактирајте ме на [емаил заштићен]

Представљени садржај може садржати лично мишљење аутора и подложан је тржишним условима. Истражите тржиште пре него што инвестирате у крипто валуте. Аутор или публикација не сноси никакву одговорност за ваш лични финансијски губитак.

Source: https://coingape.com/ripple-lawsuit-proves-free-market-doesnt-exist-xrp-lawyer/