Робинхоод листе Цхаинлинк (ЛИНК); Повећајте цену за 5%

Famous Cryptocurrency exchange, Robinhood has listed the Chainlink (LINK) on its platform. Recently, the exchange added support for popular tokens like Shiba Inu (SHIB), Solana (SOL) and Polygon (MATIC).

Chainlink Price up by 5%

Robinhood took to its Twitter to announce the listing. In the meantime, Chainlink’s price jumped by around 5%. LINK price is trading at $7.01, at the press time. Token’s 24 hour trading volume has surged by around 50% to stand at $605 million.

Chainlink is the 22nd largest cryptocurrency with a market capitalization of over $3.2 billion. This latest listing can prove to be a big boost regarding the token’s future. LINk is one of few tokens which survived the recent market collapse. It is down by just 4% over the past 30 days.

Earlier, Chainlink announced that Замјена палачинки has integrated Chainlink keepers on the BNB chain. This will help the users securely automate their CAKE/USD prediction market. It added that previously, the Chainlink price feed was integrated in order to help secure the prediction market.

Meanwhile, last week saw 15 integration of 5 different Chainlink services, and that too across 5 different chains. The list holds major chains like Ethereum, BNB chain, Avalanche, Moonbeam, and Polygon. It aims to provide Web3 developers with the tools to build hybrid smart contracts.

FTX to buy Robinhood?

However, it is being reported that FTX, founded by Sam Bankman-Fried is seeking to acquire Robinhood. The exchange is having an internal discussion over this. However, no such decision has been announced yet.

The FTX is yet to approach Robinhood with the buyout bid. Meanwhile, Robinhood’s share price has jumped by over 25% over the past 5 days. It is trading at an average price of $9.03. However, its stock has dropped by 76% since it went public.

In an interview, Bankman Fried mentioned that they are keen to have a partnership with the Crypto exchange. However, there are no active talks about it.

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Source: https://coingape.com/just-in-robinhood-lists-chainlink-link-price-up-by-5/