Робинхоодов недавно лансирани новчаник за криптовалуте привлачи 2 милиона корисника

Robinhood, an American financial services company known for its popular trading app, has recently launched Crypto Wallets. Investors showed deep interest in the new product in an interview at Bloomberg Technology, said Aparna Chennapragada, CPO at Robinhood.

Continued growth in users holding cryptocurrencies at Robinhood created the demand for a Digital Wallet. As a result, the CPO disclosed the launch of a Crypto Wallet in an early Интервју conducted earlier this month, in January 2022.

Релатед Реадинг | Централна банка Русије ће забранити рударење и трговину криптовалутама

Alongside the provision of Crypto Wallets for investors, Robinhood has added features like crypto giveaways and Q&As on its platform. The second one allows users to get insights and roadmaps on where the company is headed. In the strive for becoming a top player in crypto-mania, the CPO says;

„Видећете да настављамо да играмо у овом простору.

Also, she added that the Robinhood Team continuously collaborates with the community and its users to ensure the product fulfills users’ demands.

Robinhood And Shiba Inu Listing

Recently Uphold Inc., a crypto trading platform and digital wallet listed Shiba Inu. It’s a regulated cryptocurrency platform serving users in more than 184 countries worldwide. The platform praised how SHIB has gained traction among the meme coin glosses as a payment coin.

Робинхоодов недавно лансирани новчаник за криптовалуте привлачи 2 милиона корисника
SHIB Follows downward trend | Source: SHIB/USD on TradingView.com

Regarding the listing of popular meme coin Shiba Inu, the company’s CPO, stated she knows it’s the desire of many customers.

But, she cleared it by saying that listings of new tokens would occur at the appropriate time. The reason for this is the firm has been setting up new ‘building blocks’ in its system to provide the best experience to users looking for profits with crypto investments.

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Chennapragada further revealed that the company’s current objective regarding digital assets is to bring the top cryptocurrencies on its platform and to do that in the least costly way.

Robinhood CPO affirmed;

„Доследно постављамо наше градивне блокове да бисмо могли да активирамо одличне крипто производе. Тако је почело као омогућавање приступа кованицама на најјефтинији могући начин да се уђе у ову економију у настајању.

Истакнута слика са ЦНБЦ -а, графикон са ТрадингВиев.цом

Source: https://bitcoinist.com/robinhoods-newly-launched-cryptocurrency-wallet-attracts-2-million-users/