Русија ће вероватно одложити своје планове за дигиталну рубљу, ево зашто

Gazprombank, a bank among 15 Russian banks participating in the Digital Ruble дигитална валута централне банке (CBDC) tests, stated the launch of the Digital Ruble should be done gradually. The bank believes the financial system needs more time to adapt to changes after the introduction of Russia’s central bank digital currency.

Gazprombank Pushes for Gradual Introduction of Digital Ruble

According to a study by leading consulting company Yakov and Partners, Russia’s banks could potentially lose $3.5 billion (250 billion rubles) in five years after the introduction of the Digital Ruble.

Gazprombank, a subsidiary of state-owned gas energy firm Gazprom, ассертс losses of banks due to the introduction of the Digital Ruble should be minimized. While the bank admits the importance of the Digital Ruble rollout, it suggests a gradual introduction of the Digital Ruble.

“Obviously, banks will have to somehow minimize their losses. Therefore, it is very important to take into account these risks and move towards the launch of the digital ruble gradually in order to give the financial system enough time to adapt.”

The reason is that the reduction in acquiring commissions is more likely to lead to higher profits for retailers, rather than lower prices for end consumers. However, Gazprombank noted that the Digital Ruble rollout will increase the transparency of all financial transactions in Russia. It will positively affect the country’s banking system and the economy as a whole.

The CBDC project has been going on for several years and testing on the Digital Ruble is planned to begin this year. Meanwhile, preliminary tests are underway with 15 Russian banks, including Gazprombank.

The central bank and Finance Ministry settled on using crypto assets in international payments last year. The aim is to support trading between Russia and other countries. The country faced financial and trade sanctions after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in late February 2022.

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