Схиба Ину водећи програмер узбуђен као најбоље оцењена платформа за трговину више средстава савети БОНЕ Листинг

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Saint Vincent and the Grenadines-Based Top Exchange, BlueBit.io Hints at the Listing of the Governance Token of Shiba Inu Ecosystem, Bone ShibaSwap.

BlueBit.io, a multi-asset trading platform including cryptocurrencies, has recently hinted at the listing of Bone ShibaSwap. The newly launched cryptocurrency exchange has recently posted a цвркут tagging the lead developer of ShibaSwap, Shytoshi Kusama, and confirmed the listing of the most popular canine-themed cryptocurrency, SHIB; other than that, BlueBit.io also provided the Шиба Ину заједница with a hint that the upcoming listing on their platform would be of the Governance token of the Shiba Inu Ecosystem, кост.

BlueBit.io said in a tweet, “Shytoshi Kusama, we’ve listed Shib on BlueBit.io. Do you want to see Bone listed now?” Kusama responded to the tweet with excitement and said: “YES! That’d be awesome!”

BlueBit.io is a no-ordinary multi-asset (Forex, CFDs, Stocks, and Cryptocurrencies) trading platform with offices in Saint Vincent and Dubai. The exchange enables users to trade cryptocurrencies with significantly lower fees and increased security. The multi-asset trading platform currently supports over 700 trading instruments in 7 asset classes, including major cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Shiba Inu, etc.

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Source: https://thecryptobasic.com/2022/08/15/shiba-inu-lead-developer-excited-as-top-rated-multi-assets-trading-platform-hints-bone-listing/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=shiba-inu-lead-developer-excited-as-top-rated-multi-assets-trading-platform-hints-bone-listing