Шиба Ину (СХИБ) тим ради на СХИБ Википедији за борбу против ФУД-ова

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Shiba Inu (SHIB) Team Working On SHIB Wikipedia to fight FUDs and false information.

The team behind Shiba Inu (SHIB) is reportedly working to create the “SHIB Wikipedia” to help eliminate the scams and erroneous information about the project. In addition, the team is also making progress on Shibarium Documentation and Woofpaper v3.

The Shiba Inu team is busy creating a “living document” that will feature all official and verified SHIB information and community contributors and projects. The document’s information will be updated and can be expanded as needed over time only by official team members and will serve as “SHIB Wikipedia.”

The purpose of creating “SHIB Wikipedia” is to eliminate most of the crypto space scams damaging the reputation of the Shiba Inu Ecosystem. As per reports, the document will arrive soon.

A SHIB Official Defense Team Alpha member named “Shib Trophias” confirmed the news. In addition, he revealed that Shibarium Documentation and Woofpaper v3 would also be part of the upcoming wiki section.

“Can confirm there is a wiki/doc section in the works. It’s gotta look sleek! Shibarium Documentation and Woofpaper v3 is also apart of this as well.”


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Source: https://thecryptobasic.com/2022/07/30/shiba-inu-shib-team-working-on-shib-wikipedia-to-fight-fuds/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=shiba-inu-shib-team-working-on-shib-wikipedia-to-fight-fuds