Калифорнијски регулатор је затворио банку Силиконске долине

Silicon Valley Bank, a major financial institution for venture-backed companies, was shut down by California’s financial watchdog on March 10 — marking the first Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation-insured bank to fail in 2023. 

Калифорнијско одељење за финансијску заштиту и иновације потврђен да је банци Силицијумске долине наложено да се затвори, али није прецизирао разлог затварања. Калифорнијски регулатор је именовао ФДИЦ као примаоца за заштиту осигураних депозита. 

Depositors “will have full access to their insured deposits no later than Monday morning, March 13, 2023,” read the official statement. The regulator explained that uninsured depositors would be given a “receivership certificate for the remaining amount of their uninsured funds” and entitled to future dividend payments once the FDIC sells all Silicon Valley Bank assets.

Silicon Valley Bank, which is also known as SVB, operated 17 branches across California and Massachusetts. All branches and the main office will be open on March 13 to facilitate depositor access.

SVB is one of the United States’ 20 largest banks by total assets. The bank пружао финансијске услуге на неколико крипто-фокусиране ризичне фирме, including Andreessen Horowitz and Sequoia.

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Пропаст банке је била брза и уследила је мање од 48 сати након управљања обелодањују that they needed to raise $2.25 billion in stock to shore up operations. The announcement was part of SVB’s mid-quarter financial update, where it disclosed the sale of $21 billion in securities at a $1.8 billion loss.

SVB stock was trading north of $280 at the start of the week. Before trading was halted, the stock was worth $106.08. Source: Yahoo Finance

Trading in SVB stock was halted on March 9 due to extreme volatility. The stock’s 60% drop was the biggest single-day wipeout in history, према за Тхе Валл Стреет Јоурнал.