Цена СОЛ-а може бити ниска за 30 долара

The Solana price prediction heads to the downside as the dip is likely to get worsen because of a recent decline in the crypto world.

СОЛ/УСД тржиште

Нивои кључева:

Нивои отпора: 75, 77, 79 и XNUMX долара

Нивои подршке: 12 УСД, 10 УСД, 8 УСД

СОЛ/УСД may not be able to follow the bullish movement as the coin remains below the 9-day and 21-day moving averages. The Solana price is currently trading at $32.32, sliding from the high of $35.38 to face the lower boundary of the channel at the time of writing.

Solana Price Prediction: Solana My Head to the Downside

Гледајући дневни графикон, Солана цена ако се креће у страну, свако медвеђе кретање ка доњој граници канала може повећати краткорочни притисак продаје док критична подршка може доћи око 12, 10 и 8 долара. У међувремену, свако биковско кретање изнад 9-дневног и 21-дневног покретног просека може достићи следеће нивое отпора на 75, 77 и 79 долара.

Пунт Црипто Цасино Банер

Nevertheless, the technical indicator could start a new bearish session as the Relative Strength Index (14) moves below the 40-level. It is, however, not clear how long the session will last because, in the last few weeks, both bullish and bearish sessions have been frequent. Therefore, it is important to watch the resistance and support levels coupled with the movement of other indicators within the daily chart.

SOL/BTC Market: Bears Dominate the Market

Against Bitcoin, the market price is moving downward as the coin trades at 1666 SAT within the 9-day and 21-day moving averages. Looking at the daily chart, if the coin can make a cross above the upper boundary of the channel, the bulls may push the price to the upside.

СОЛБТЦ – Дневни графикон

However, if the market drops below the current market value at 1500 SAT, the next key support may come at 1300 SAT and below. On the bullish side, a possible rise may push the market above the 9-day moving average to hit the resistance level of 2300 SAT and above. As revealed by the technical indicator, the Relative Strength Index (14) may begin to follow the downward movement as the signal line moves to cross below the 40-level.

еТоро – наш препоручени крипто новчаник

размена еТоро
  • Размена новчаника за 120+ криптовалута, трговина у новчанику
  • Аутоматско улагање ЕТХ, АДА или ТРКС у ваш новчаник
  • Регулише ФЦА, АСИЦ и ЦиСЕЦ – милиони корисника
  • Приватни кључ који се не може изгубити – безбедна еТоро услуга опоравка

размена еТоро

68% рачуна малих инвеститора губи новац када тргује ЦФД-овима са овим добављачем.


Source: https://insidebitcoins.com/news/solana-price-prediction-for-today-july-1-sol-price-may-hit-30-low