СОЛ резервоари 6% док се Солана суочава са још једним 48-сатним прекидом, тренутком експанзије и пада за Солану?

Solana’s native cryptocurrency SOL has tanked another 6% today slipping under $90 as the Solana blockchain continues to face major network congestion issues. SOL has been in a free-fall during this broader crypto market rout and has corrected nearly 60% from its all-time high in November 2021.

Over the last weekend, the Solana blockchain faced a 48-hour-long network instability disappointing investors and traders to a great extent.

Engineers have released a notice on the Solana website on Saturday, January 22, which reads:

Солана маиннет бета има висок ниво загушења мреже. Последња 24 сата показала су да ове системе треба побољшати како би задовољили захтеве корисника и подржали сложеније трансакције које су сада уобичајене на мрежи.

However, as of Monday, January 24, the status shows that the systems are fully operational once again.

Besides, Solana’s frequent network outages have caused traders to lose their trust in the platform. As a result, other Ethereum Layer-1 competitors like Fantom, BSC, etc have been gaining ground. Crypto investor and Boolean Fund founder Mark Jeffery wrote (написано):

Another day, another 48 hour Solana outage. This is like the sixth time this has happened in 3 months. I have zero faith in it now. It is the new EOS. The fight is now between ETH, BSC, Fantom, Avalanche and Terra.

Solana Losing DeFi Market Share

Amid frequent outages, questions have arrived whether Solana is the real Ethereum-competitor! Solana has 50% in terms of DeFi TVL as DeFi traders chose other low-fee alternatives like Fantom, Avalanche, Terra, etc. As reported, Fantom has now become the second-largest network in terms of DeFi TVL after Ethereum.

On the other hand, Solana has slipped to the sixth position with DeFi TVL of $7.7 billion, as per DeFiLlama. We expect the Solana team to really come up with a robust solution and win back the trust of DeFi enthusiasts. Solana is planning for additional network fixes over the coming two to three months. The engineers team wrote:

„Ова предстојећа издања имају за циљ побољшање стања мреже, а очекује се да ће се још побољшања увести у наредних 8-12 недеља. Многе од ових функција су тренутно активне на Тестнету, где се ригорозно тестирају.”

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Source: https://coingape.com/sol-tanks-6-as-solana-faces-another-48-hour-outage-boom-and-bust-moment-for-solana/