Солана издржава ФТКС олују док СОЛ расте; РоботЕра претпродаја

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солана ecosystem is in crisis this week as a result of the steep decline in SOL’s price, which lost more than half of its worth in a single day as a result of the market’s reaction to the failure of cryptocurrency exchange FTX. However, there was no truth to the worries that Solana would continue to deteriorate through Thursday night. Instead, a dramatic recovery in price has occurred.

Према ЦоинГецко, SOL is currently trading at over $17, up 38% from its Wednesday afternoon low of under $13. Early this morning, it increased almost to $19, but since then, it has retreated from that 24-hour high.

солана is still down 43% over the past week, much surpassing the losses of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other cryptocurrencies, but it has made major gains over the last several hours. Due to the October CPI report’s indication of slowing U.S. inflation, the market is generally up today, although Solana’s increase is greater than most.

Whoever took the ecosystem’s temperature on Wednesday may find this surprising. The inventors of the network and well-known builders attempted to mobilize supporters who worried a death spiral was about to take place as the price continued to decline, which was ostensibly enhanced by Solana’s tight relations to FTX and its founder Sam Bankman-Fried.

“We’ll survive together because chewing glass is in our DNA”, co-founder Anatoly Yakovenko said on Wednesday. The FTX crash and its aftershocks were called a “crucible moment” for the Solana ecosystem by fellow co-founder Raj Gokal. Despite the immediate dread and sadness, both sought to keep supporters focused on the network’s long-term goals.

There was cause for concern that nighttime losses would increase in addition to the current ones. More than 56.3 million SOL, worth $729 million at the moment, were scheduled to unlock from overnight staking as of midday on Wednesday. This may potentially flood the market and cause sell pressure to drive the price of SOL further lower.

The amount was reduced by half, though, after the Solana Foundation declared late on Wednesday that it would not unstake 28.5 million SOL, which had previously been assigned to network validators that German cloud provider Hetzner had barred from using its service. The Solana Foundation instead redistributed its stock of SOL.

Austin Federa, the Solana Foundation’s head of communications, tweeted that the delegation program “had the worst timing imaginable” and that the unstaking would be “rescheduled because A Few Things Happened Recently” amid criticism from Twitter users who claimed it was another instance of alleged “centralization” on Solana.

Finally Unstaked

Nevertheless, more over 31 million SOL were finally unstaked as investors got their money back. According to CoinGecko’s market statistics, the price fell by 11% before the unlock, probably as a result of anxiety about the coming event, although it didn’t go any more. To the relief of both investors and builders, SOL’s price took off once more after a short period of time.

Devoted supporters of Solana may have taken advantage of the opportunity to purchase SOL after it dropped to its lowest level on Wednesday since March 2021. SOL Big Brain, a well-known pseudonymous NFT investor, and other whales in the space had tweeted signals that they meant to make sizable buy orders as the staking unlock may swamp the market with cheap SOL.

Around DeFi on Solana, there are also indications of life. Jupiter, an aggregation platform, has handled 719,000 transactions totaling over $253 million over the last 24 hours. And Solend completed liquidating a whale user’s holdings, which had jeopardized the lending protocol as it dealt with platform congestion concerns.

While Solana has so far survived what some consider an existential danger, the circumstances surrounding FTX are continually changing. As FTX looks for a way to become solvent and help consumers who locked up potentially billions of dollars’ worth of cryptocurrency in the exchange, the cryptocurrency market may endure more shocks.

Following FTX’s liquidity crisis, Binance announced on Tuesday that it has signed a non-binding letter of intent to acquire the latter company. However, Binance withdrew on Wednesday, citing the scope of FTX’s issues. Since then, Bankman-Fried has pledged to make an effort to acquire funds in order to save the business and compensate clients.

Regardless of how things turn out, the market will undoubtedly experience further revelations and aftershocks as one of its biggest actors falls apart. Solana has suffered some of the worst losses so far this week, but the ecosystem is surviving—at least for the time being.

RobotEra Presale

Another investment with potentially high returns is new project that has recently launched. РоботЕра has started its presale, giving investors the chance to buy its native TARO coin at a discount. The platform, which utilizes the Ethereum blockchain, is creating a Metaverse where users may contribute to the construction of NFT-based structures like buildings and land.

РоботЕра има заслуге за уносну понуду у години значајних претпродаја јер платформа већ има чврсте темеље. Поред тога, има подршку од ЛБАНК Лабс-а, што сугерише замах који може добити како се његова продаја развија и када добије почетне листе на размени.

Претпродаја, уз подршку ЛБанк Лабс

РоботЕра се брзо креће са почетком своје претпродаје јер је њена алфа верзија заказана за крај првог квартала 2023. Преко 300,000 ТАРО, који се тренутно продају по цени од 0.020 УСДТ, већ је продато у распродаја, упркос чињеници да је тек почела јуче.

посета веб-сајт РоботЕра to connect your Wallet Connect cryptocurrency wallet and buy TARO using either ETH or USDT. Interested investors can take part in the presale there. Prospective participants are urged to move quickly since once the sale enters its second stage, the price of TARO will increase by 25%.

У претпродаји ће бити три фазе, од којих ће свака продати 90 милиона ТАРО-а. Заједно, ове три фазе представљају Укупна максимална понуда ТАРО-а од 1.5 милијарди, при чему је највећи део резервисан за ДАО-базирану ризницу (33%) и за подстицаје играча играјући за зараду (25%).

Метаверсе који се може играти

Што се тиче играња, у РоботЕра-ином Метаверсе-у, корисници ће преузети улогу робота који су задужени за одржавање сопствених земаља заснованих на НФТ-у и помажу у изградњи РоботЕра виртуелног окружења. Играчи ће такође моћи да прикупљају ресурсе из света игара, да праве роботе пратиоце, учествују у мисијама и присуствују догађајима у игрици у стилу сандбок-а (нпр. виртуелни концерти).

РоботЕра-ин план пута наводи да је развој Метаверсе-а почео почетком ове године и да би алфа галаксија за Метаверсе требало да буде спремна до краја К1 2023. Отприлике у то време, даље компоненте играња ће бити представљене заједно са компонентама заснованим на ВР и АР.

Да би се прилагодио овом распореду, РоботЕра тим предвиђа да ће се претпродаја завршити до почетка нове године, када очекује и добијање својих првих листа размене за ТАРО. С обзиром да је ЛБАНК Лабс већ обезбедио новац, вероватно је да ће ЛБАНК бити једна од првих берзи која ће понудити новчић.

Што се тиче улоге ТАРО-а у екосистему РоботЕра, пројекат Сугестија означава да ће услужни токен користити играчи игре за трговину робом и предметима у игри, као и да им дају подстицаје. Трговање НФТ-овима, улагање, рударење, учешће у догађајима и одржавање виртуелног земљишта су само неколико начина на које играчи могу да зараде ТАРО.

Иако је РоботЕра још увек у раној фази развоја, ови многи фактори указују на веома обећавајућу индустрију игара засновану на блокчејну. Неке од највећих иницијатива за криптовалуте до сада су биле Метаверсе и/или платформе за игре (као што су Децентраланд, Тхе Сандбок и Акие Инфинити), и чини се да ће РоботЕра пратити овај тренд.

Посетите РоботЕра одмах


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Source: https://insidebitcoins.com/news/solana-weathers-the-ftx-storm-as-sol-rises