Престаните да користите реч 'Платформа' и друге дражи за кућне љубимце ДеФи језика

We can do better with our words, and this nascent, flourishing technology deserves it. As Erik Voorhees wrote (написано), “If [DeFi] does not swell your heart with joy, hope and inspiration, you are missing something.” Changing the way we talk about DeFi – whether you’re a developer, a user, a DAO participant or otherwise – is a very small step on the path to recognizing the hope that DeFi brings for a better system.

Source: https://www.coindesk.com/layer2/2022/11/02/stop-using-the-word-platform-and-other-defi-language-pet-peeves/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=rss&utm_campaign=headlines