Извршни директор СусхиСвап-а открива да је ДЕКС ове године изгубио 30 милиона долара на подстицајима за ЛП

According to a new tweet by SushiSwap CEO Jared Grey, the decentralized exchange (DEX) experienced a $30 million loss over the past 12 months on incentives for liquidity providers (LPs). As explained by Grey, SushiSwap currently employs a token-based emission strategy to incentivize LPs, but the current rate is “unsustainable.”

“We commissioned Flipside to build dashboards to showcase these results; we’ll make them available by EOY.”

Напред, Греј планира да преради СусхиСвап токеномију тако да ЛП-ови више не буду субвенционисани емисијама и редизајнира цео модел подизања ликвидности на берзи. „У првом кварталу 1. донећемо иновације за скалирање обима размене и давање приоритета ТВЛ-у. Како ЛП-ови доживљавају профитабилније искуство замене, други би требало да мигрирају на Сусхи“, написао је извршни директор ДЕКС-а.

Grey also turned his attention to promoting the “Kanpai” governance proposal, which will divert trading protocol fees earned as rewards from SUSHI (СУСХИ) stakers into the SushiSwap treasury. Previously, Grey disclosed that the SushiSwap treasury had only 1.5 years of runway лево. 

“Put simply, it [Kanpai] allows the protocol to rebuild its cash reserves to continue to pay competitive wages, pay for critical infrastructure, & to diversify its Treasury with funds collected in the base pairs of assets, like ETH, stablecoins, etc. Kanpai is a temporary solution.”

Curiously, Grey has remained opaque concerning the design of the new SushiSwap for now, stating that he will provide “full financial transparency by releasing public dashboards for DAO & Treasury activity” in Q1 2023. When pressed by a community member on the matter, Grey responded:

“I’ve discussed it at length in the Sushi Discord, on community calls, AMAs, and more. The official whitepaper comes out by EOY. No one is saying, “trust me, bro” I’m saying full details come out at that time.”