Оснивач Синтхетика Каин Варвицк: Регулатива ће раздвојити ДеФи пројекте у два табора

Оснивач Синтхетика Каин Варвицк: Регулатива ће раздвојити ДеФи пројекте у два табора

Synthetix founder Kain Warwick joins Decrypt’s Dan Roberts and Liam Kelly in our Decrypting Mainnet series at Mainnet 2022 to give his views on regulation and the SEC, how DeFi projects will split between compliant and non-compliant and that it’s “ideologically confusing” but “not necessarily a bad thing.”

Source: https://decrypt.co/videos/live-events/ph6ZUELY/synthetix-founder-kain-warwick-regulation-will-fork-defi-projects-into-two-camps