Циља ниво отпора од 0.3000 долара

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Battle Infinity Price Prediction for Today, 21st of September:
ИБАТ/УСД и даље ће ићи даље ако се тренутна подршка од 0.002771 долара задржи. Цена криптовалута може да настави да се креће навише да би достигла висок ниво од 0.3000 долара, под условом да купци повећају своје акције на тржишту.

Нивои кључева:
Нивои отпора: 0.004500, 0.004600, 0.004700
Нивои подршке: 0.002700, 0.002600, 0.002500 долара

ИБАТ (УСД) Дугорочни тренд: биковски (1Х)
Анализирајући горњи графикон, то можемо јасно видети ИБАТУСД is in a bullish market zone. The price currently trades above the EMA-9. This means that the coin is in an uptrend. Many investors can join the market at a lower price in order to capitalize on the future upward rally.
IBAT/USD will still go further if the current support at $0.002771 holds. The crypto’s price may continue its upside moves to reach a $0.3000 high level

The current price level now trades at the $0.002877 supply level above the EMA-9 is an indication of upward momentum in the context of the strength of the market.

Thus, a possible breakout from the current retracement at the $0.002877 neckline will accelerate the buying momentum and push the prices higher to hit the 0.05000 resistance level.

Meanwhile, the pair has a target price of level $0.3000 on the upside as it’s about to resume its strong uptrend to the upper resistance as indicated by the daily stochastic pointing upwards. The mentioned target might be reached in its long-term perspective.

ИБАТ (УСД) Краткорочни тренд: биковски (15-минутни)
The buy traders are now actively involved in the order flow in its short-term outlook. This is a result of low bearish outcomes. This means that the IBATUSD market is in a bullish trend in its lower time frame. The price bar can be seen above the EMA-50.
IBAT/USD will still go further if the current support at $0.002771 holds. The crypto’s price may continue its upside moves to reach a $0.3000 high level

Just in after a few minutes after opening the 15-minute chart, the bulls triggered up the momentum from $0.002834 to $0.002875 resistance value above the moving averages.

Exhaustion sets in while the sellers drove the price down to a low at $0.002797 level below the moving average. Right now price reversal at the $0.002819 supply level suggests that the Battle Infinity may rise higher and retest the $0.05000 mark as potential resistance.

If the buying pressure persists during this retest, the buy traders may push the prices above the $0.0500 supply level and plunge the price up to the $0.3000 resistance value in its lower time frame.

Баттле Инфинити има огроман потенцијал за необично масивне повратке. Купите ИБАТ ovde

Пунт Црипто Цасино Банер


Тамадоге – Играјте да бисте зарадили Меме Цоин

Тамадоге лого
  • Зарадите ТАМА у биткама са љубимцима Доге
  • Ограничена залиха од 2 милијарде, спаљивање токена
  • Претпродаја је прикупљена 19 милиона долара за два месеца
  • Предстојећи ИЦО на ЛБанку, Унисвап

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Source: https://insidebitcoins.com/news/ibatusd-targets-the-0-3000-resistance-level