Начело се повезује са ЛаиерЗеро како би подстакло усвајање ЛСД Омницхаина

Tenet is a layer-1 network that’s focused predominantly on the expansion of use cases related to liquid staking derivatives (LSDs).

  • Према саопштењу за штампу подељеном са ЦриптоПотато, Tenet has forged a partnership with LayerZero aimed at boosting the adoption of LSDs.
  • LayerZero, in turn, is an omnichain interoperability protocol that’s currently valued at over $3 billion.
  • The first stage of the initiative would be to set up a LayerZero endpoint on Tenet. It will enable anyone to create tokens and projects backed by the omnichain technology. In essence, this will connect Tenet to the numerous networks that are powered by LayerZero.
  • Speaking on the matter was Greg Gompan, co-founder of Tenet, who said:

The partnership with LayerZero is critical for Tenet’s success, as our protocol is cross-chain native at its core. While the initial integreation is helfpul in connecting our chain to the large LayerZero network to leverage its cross-chain liquidity, it also enables us to create a truly omnichain LSD for any asset. This reduces the barriers of entry and sets us up as the leading LSD ecosystem for all of DeFi.

ПОСЕБНА ПОНУДА (Спонзорисане)

Бинанце бесплатно $100 (ексклузивно): Користите ову везу да бисте се регистровали и добили $100 бесплатних и 10% попуста на Бинанце Футурес првог месеца (услови).

ПримеКСБТ Специјална понуда: Користите ову везу да се региструјете и унесете ЦРИПТОПОТАТО50 код да бисте примили до 7,000 долара на своје депозите.

Source: https://cryptopotato.com/tenet-bonds-with-layerzero-to-push-lsd-omnichain-adoption/