Цена Терра (ЛУНА) и Терра Цлассиц (ЛУНЦ) да будете сведоци масовног митинга?

Terra (LUNA) and Terra Classic (LUNC) saw sudden upside moves in just a few hours. LUNA price jumps 4% in an hour, while LUNC price bounces 3% in just an hour. The reason behind the rally is the recent uptick in the development activity on both блоцкцхаинс, supported by the Terra Classic community and social sentiment.

Terra Classic and LUNA Price Sudden Price Rally

Terra (LUNA) and Terra Classic (LUNC) undergoing a significant increase in development activity. TFL launched its interchain Station wallet supporting multiple blockchains like Terra, LUNC, Osmosis, Juno, Crescent, and others. Terra Classic blockchain was not supported at first but after many discussions, LUNC support was added on Station.

Terraport, a DeFi platform on Terra Classic, by developer group TerraCVita aims to bring back utility to the chain. The project backs the community’s narrative of burn and build. Terraport treasury will constantly burn 27% of LUNC and 22% of Terra.

Meanwhile, Terra Classic core developer Edward Kim tries to calm ФУД surrounding Allnodes’ high voting power and saving seed phrases of validators through its node hosting service. Kim claims Allnodes was working to reduce its voting power to reduce centralization risk. On Friday, Allnodes најавила non-custodial node management for Cosmos-based networks.

Moreover, the community has донео Предлог 11310 introduced by Edward Kim to upgrade the blockchain from v1.0.4 to v1.0.5 and introduce codes to make future upgrades possible. It will also bring back the Бинанце ЛУНЦ механизам сагоревања.

Community Expect A 20% Jump In Prices

The Terra Classic community is planning a 20% pump in LUNC price to hit at least above $0.00020. LUNC price recently saw a high of $0.0001943. Despite a recent breakout, the LUNC price has not been able to hold the level.

LUNC price has rallied over 6% in the last 24 hours, with the current price trading under the $0.00018 level. While LUNA price is trading at $2.14, up 5% in the last 24 hours. However, both coins lost earlier gains.

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Source: https://coingape.com/terra-luna-and-terra-classic-lunc-price-to-witness-massive-rally/