Лансирање Ксцханге Монстер-а (МКСЦХ) – Може ли достићи висину Догецоин-а (ДОГЕ) и Аваланцхе-а (АВАКС)?

The cryptoverse is dusting itself down and assessing the damage that crypto crash 2022 has inflicted. The great news is that prices are at year-long lows in some cases, which means that this is a fantastic time to buy крипто, as prices of certain coins will certainly rise over the coming months and years.

Which coin to buy into? Let’s check out big leaguers Догецоин (ДОГЕ) and Avalanche (AVAX) to see how they are moving forward, and also examine an exciting new member of the cryptoverse, Ксцханге Монстер (МКСЦХ).

Dogecoin (DOGE) Buyers Ask – What Crypto Crash?

According to DogWhaleAlert, which is a platform that tracks the movements of Догецоин (ДОГЕ), 800,000,000 Dogecoins were transferred over a 24-hour period earlier this week. The surprising thing about this is that the phenomenal amount of DOGE transferred took place in just three transactions. 

An interesting peek into the world of the crypto elite shows that despite the recent retreat in the market, крипто is still very big business. The total value of the three transactions, that were made from three different wallets to an unknown wallet, is $57,888,800. Not bad for a day’s trading.


Even more eyebrow-raising are the fees for the transactions that DogWhaleAlert also tweeted, which were $0.16, $0.08, and $0.058 per transfer. Fantastically low fees for such humongous transactions show the merits of trading in crypto, as no bank in the fiat world would ever be able to match this kind of value.

Xchange Monster – A Revolution in P2E Gaming

One new platform that is offering lower than average transaction fees is the brilliant Ксцханге Монстер (МКСЦХ). A new cryptocurrency exchange platform that is focussing on the GameFi sector, Ксцханге Монстер (МКСЦХ) is a new project that is getting a lot of attention.




Ксцханге Монстер wallet is already fully integrated into the крипто exchange. With this versatile multi-chain wallet, users can store cryptocurrency and fiat money, and make transactions easily and at instantaneous levels of speed.


Ксцханге Монстер (МКСЦХ) development team is focussing on combining the play-to-earn (P2E) gaming market with the cryptocurrency world to offer gamers a one-stop-shop to easily utilise the financial gains that they have earned while playing the game of their choice.


Ксцханге Монстер is fully doxxed and boasts a team of experienced developers who have worked in some of the top jobs in tech over the last few years. Fully monitored by recognised regulators in Switzerland, Ксцханге Монстер also boasts water-tight security and regulation.

Avalanche (AVAX) Joins Forces With Coinbase Wallet

The end of May was a bearish period for the entire крипто market, including Лавина (АВАКС). However, it also coincided with the announcement from a major currency exchange platform, Coinbase Wallet, that it was now accepting token swaps on the Avalanche (AVAX) and BNB (BNB) blockchains.



Сјајне вести за Лавина (АВАКС) buyers and users, as they would inevitably see a lot more traffic on their platform.

Лавина (АВАКС) has remained a very popular coin with high usage since it launched in 2020, mainly thanks to its key metrics including its scalability and low costs. AVAX can boast of handling up to 4,500 transactions per second at relatively low costs.

All of the crypto projects discussed above have great potential for profits in the coming months. Maybe you want to enter the surreal yet highly lucrative world of meme coins with Догецоин (ДОГЕ), or perhaps a more utility-rich project like Лавина (АВАКС) interests you more. 

However, if you want to get in on the ground floor with a new and potentially record-breaking project that is at the cutting edge of П2Е играње, then check out the links for Ксцханге Монстер (МКСЦХ) испод.

Сазнајте више о Ксцханге Монстер (МКСЦХ):

Предпродаја: https://xchangemonster.boostx.finance/register 

Сајт: https://xchangemonster.com/ 

Дискорд: https://discord.gg/M5hu5HwbeJ 

телеграм: https://t.me/xchangemonsterofficial 

Твиттер: https://twitter.com/Xchange_Monster 

Одрицање одговорности: Ово је спонзорисано саопштење за штампу и служи само у информативне сврхе. Не одражава ставове Црипто Даили, нити је намењен да се користи као правни, порески, инвестициони или финансијски савет.


Source: https://cryptodaily.co.uk/2022/07/the-launch-of-xchange-monster-mxch-can-it-reach-the-heights-of-dogecoin-doge-and-avalanche-avax