Главна азијска Метаверсе конференција успешно је одржана 24-26. маја 2022

Асиа Метаверсе конференција was successfully held on May 24-26,with more than 45 featured speakers, 50+ global media partners,100+ conference partners and 1,300+ attendees from over 20 countries participating at the conference.

The event was a showcase for the fastest growing and most innovative Metaverse Companies.

Amongst the many brilliant speakers that took to the stage at Asia Metaverse Conference were:

MetaTokyo,Takayuki Suzuki, CEO 

India Blockchain Alliance,Raj Kapoor, Founder 

Metafluence,Emin Vali, Co-Founder and CMO 

MARVRUS,Yongmin Cho, Chief Strategy Officer

Гуми Цриптос Цапитал, Мико Мацумура, генерални партнер

Block Tides, Myrtle Anne Ramos, Founder and CEO 

ЛОЦГаме, Мик Миронов, извршни директор 

Дуелист Кинг, Ницоле Нгуиен, ЦМО 

Arcus,Rommel Carlos, CEO 

Aglet, Ryan David Mullins, CEO and Creative Director

SubGame Network, Edmund Hillary, SubGame Ambassador

PlanckX, Riley R Tritz, Director of Business Development

Harmony.one, Brian Felsen, Metaverse

Charisma Entertainment, Guy Gadney , CEO

Waka World Metaverse,A vinash Kaushik , Chief Metaverse Officer

Smobler Studios, Dr Loretta Chen, Co-Founder 

Hexarchia, Carlo Moretti, co-founder 

U-Topia metaverse, Emmanuel Quezada, CEO 

Aavegotchi, Mauvis Ledford, Technical Advisor at avegotchi &former CTO at CoinMarketCap 

Ethlas,Foo Wui Ngiap, Chief Executive & Co-founder

MetaTokyo,Takayuki Suzuki, CEO

Gummys TV, Pasquale Sorrentino, Founder

Финстеп Асиа, Мусхеер Ахмед, оснивач и доктор медицине

ПарлаиМе, Јануар Барнс, оснивач и технички репортер 

НФТраде, Харисон Селетски, шеф комуникација 

Freeverse, Alun Evans, CEO 

Jordi van den Bussche, Founder Kops worldwide (Kwebbelkop, Bloo, Webbelgames, Zypher ), CEO & Founder 

Baptiste Tricoire, Web3 Strategic Advisor and Futurist Speaker

Aaro Capital, Ankush Jain, Chief Investment Officer

Технички универзитет у Минхену, Исабелл Велпе, професор стратегије

Pebble Ventures LLC,Michael DeNunzio,Managing Director

Creative Director at Cointelegraph and CEO at Cointelegraph Communications ,Anastasia Drinevskaya 

A’Z Angel s ,Mahmoud Al i,General Partner 

Cointelligence Fund,On Yavin,Managing Partner 

Wave Financial,Les Bor sai,Co-Founder and Chief Strategy Officer

Mulana Venture,Gilbert Ng, Partner

Мултиверсе Лабс, Цлифф Сзу, извршни директор

Mike Mumola,Co-Host on BloombergTV,Founder of Mediabundance 

Shape, James Basnett,CEO 

Luli Sulichin,Conceptual Visual Artist 

ArtMeta,Alissa Alek seeva,Head of Marketing

SolidBlock,Yael Tamar,CEO & Co-founder

Gamma Law,David Hoppe,Managing Partner

France crypto.fr,Clément Fermaud,Founder 

OneRare,Kayaash s ingh,VP – Growth & International Bus ines s

There were also more than 50 media and industry analysts at the event to report on the many significant industry announcements, укључујући:

Cointelegraph, ICOHOLDER, Daily News Alertz, 80.lv, BlockTides, Coincodex, Coinspeaker, Games Jobs Direct, Cryptonewsz, cryptoweekly, walletinvestor, Coinphony, Womeningames, Coinpedia, Parlayme, Unlock, Zexprwire, francecrypto.fr, u.today, Investing, DxTalks,  Biztoc, Cryptonews, Prnews, Brave New Coin, thecryptoupdates, Cryptohodly, Marco Polo Experience, Coinquora, Expotobi, PaySpace Magazine, SmartMoneyMatch, DNA325, LETIZO, mllm-invest , BITCOSAR, Best Invest Blog, Securities.io, Crypto Reporter Magazine, Mobidictum, Cryptotvplus, Cryptonomist, Coincheckup.

Metaverse Topics

* Metaverse Projects Video Showcase

* How is the Metaverse Market Developing in Asia? 

* Rise of the Metaverse: a Silicon Valley VC perspective

* How Metaverse Can Play a Role in Crypto Gaming?

* The Future of Metaverse

* The Future Development and Trends of Metaverse in Polkadot 

* Are We Metaverse – Ready?

* 4 Different ways to connect your games to the Metaverse 

* How AI-powered digital humans will make the Metaverse a better place?

* Panel Discussion: How do Blockchain Games Evolve in the Metaverse?

* Panel Discussion:How NFTs Are the Building Blocks of the Metaverse

* Metaverse and Culture/Entertainment/IPs in Japan

* Watch to Earn in Metaverse

* Banking in the Metaverse

* The Future of Branding in the Metaverse 

* How to Gain Exposure to Metaverse / NFTs, from the Perspective of A Diversified Crypto Fund of Funds

* Web3: what your organisation will look like in 10 years
* Metaverse And The Future of Self Expression, Experiences, and Ownership

* Trends of Metaverse in the Financial Industry and Investment Opportunities

* Metaverse, NFT and Defi Startups : What you need to know in legal and regulatory aspects”

* The Metaverse: Future of Virtual Experience

* the Role of NFTs in the Metaverse

* Metaverse Trends & Real Estate Metaverse Use Cases

* Legal Considerations for Operating and Participating in the Metaverse

* How Food in the metaverse?

О клубу Метаверсе

Метаверсе Цлуб је Метаверсе платформа за размену знања и ПР услуге за Ентертаинмент, Гамефи, НФТ, ДеФи, метаверсе компаније, инвестиционе институције, медије, метаверсе играче и љубитеље промоције производа и брендова, размену знања у индустрији и упаривање ресурса, како би покренули глобална метаверзална индустрија.

“We make more awareness in the world about the power of Metaverse”!

Get in touch with us at: [емаил заштићен]

Телеграм група: https://t.me/MetaverseClub2021

Vist our website: https://metaverse-club.net

See you at the Global Metaverse Carnival at the end of 2022!

Source: https://en.cryptonomist.ch/2022/07/16/the-main-asia-metaverse-conference-was-successfully-held-on-24-26-may2022/