Најбољи криптови који ће летети ове нове године: Протокол снежних падавина (СНВ), Полигон (МАТИЦ) и Цардано (АДА)

Место/Датум: – 27. децембар 2022. у 11:17 УТЦ · 3 мин читања
Извор: Сновфалл Протоцол

The Top Cryptos That Are Going to Fly This New Year: Snowfall Protocol (SNW), Polygon (MATIC), and Cardano (ADA)
Фото: Сновфалл Протоцол

With the new year approaching, it is time to weigh in on your investments. Many cryptos are continuously bleeding out investor money. However, some cryptocurrencies like Snowfall Protocol (SNW), Polygon (MATIC), and Cardano are almost guaranteed to add value to the investor portfolio in 2023. So, does your portfolio hold winners or not? Find out why you should HODL Polygon, Cardano, or Snowfall Protocol (SNW).

Полигон (МАТИЦ)

Polygon (MATIC) offers an alternative to Ethereum with lower transaction costs and quicker transaction speeds. So, it was presented as a solution to the scalability issues of Ethereum. Polygon (MATIC) has partnered with multiple corporates for the release of their NFTs, including Coca-Cola. However, Polygon (MATIC) remains around 75% below its all-time high. While it is trading at a discount, it would be far-fetched to say that Polygon will ever touch its highest price again.

Polygon (MATIC)’s biggest problem will be the regular updates Ethereum is bringing to its network. Polygon touts itself as an improvement over Ethereum. Without that USP, Polygon (MATIC)  loses its competitive edge. So, it will be difficult to predict how long Polygon will succeed in giving small gains to its investors. Still, Polygon (MATIC)  is a pretty good short-term investment.

Цардано (АДА)

Cardano (ADA)  is the internal cryptocurrency of the Cardano (ADA)  blockchain network. Cardano (ADA) is a fundamentally strong cryptocurrency that has been trading at a discount for a while now. So, it has a lot of potential. Not to forget, it is environmentally friendly as well. That is the reason Cardano(ADA)  has held its value better than other cryptocurrencies and will continue to do so in the next year. However, gains from Cardano have certain limitations.

Cardano (ADA) has a limited scope and can only be used for transactional purposes. Also, Cardano (ADA) does not offer any competitive advantage and has many competitors in the same space. However, if you are looking for an investment that offers around 25%-50% returns in the short term, then Cardano (ADA)  could be a good bet.

Протокол о снежним падавинама (СНВ)

Snowfall Protocol (SNW)  is a new cryptocurrency that opened for presale in late 2022. However, it has created an incredible buzz. With the primary use case of interoperability, Snowfall Protocol (SNW)  is highly relevant to crypto users. With usability at its core, the Snowfall Protocol (SNW)  has integral value. Apart from it, the Snowfall Protocol (SNW)  has also created a lot of positive sentiment among its investors.

The positive sentiment was evident in the Stage 2 sale. When Snowfall Protocol (SNW)  opened up for the Stage 2 sale, it was sold out a day before the sale was supposed to conclude. When the stage 3 sale started, Snowfall Protocol (SNW)  was trading at a premium of 250% over its Stage 2 price. Moreover, experts predict gains of 1000%-5000% for Snowfall Protocol (SNW) once it launches on January 3, 2023.

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Source: https://www.coinspeaker.com/cryptos-going-fly-this-new-year-snowfall-protocol-polygon-cardano/