Труст Валлет покреће нови новчаник проширења претраживача за кориснике рачунара

The browser extension wallet will allow users to manage and secure store, send and receive nearly 8 million tokens across all EVM chains and Solana. It plans to add support for non-EVM chains very soon.

On Monday, November 14, Trust Wallet announced the launch of its new browser extension wallet available on browsers such as Chrome, Brave, and Opera. The leading self-custodial and multi-chain wallet provider said that the browser extension wallet will support all EVMs as well as солана.

New Browser Extension for Trust Wallet

Trust Wallet is popular in the crypto space for its mobile wallet. With over 60 million downloads and 10 million monthly active users globally, it is the world’s leading mobile crypto wallet. Besides, it is also popular for offering its users a seamless wallet experience and enhanced Web3 accessibility.

The browser extension wallet will allow users to manage and secure store, send and receive nearly 8 million tokens across all EVM chains and Solana. This would include Ethereum, Полигон, BNB Chain, and Avalanche. Trust Wallet said that they would be adding support for more non-EVM chains in the upcoming months.

Additionally, the Trust Wallet extension will aim at improving the multi-chain user experience. Instead of manually adding networks, its network auto-detect feature will provide a seamless dApp experience. The wallet already supports 8 million EVM-compatible tokens out of the box. It eliminates the need to manually add tokens while improving asset traceability.

With all these features combined, Trust Wallet provides an optimized dApp experience to its users, beyond centralized exchanges (CEXs). This includes experiences like Metaverse, Web 3 gaming, tokens not found on CEX, and much more. Speaking on the development, CEO of Trust Wallet Eowyn Chen изјавио:

“Our users’ number 1 request is the Browser extension and they want one with the same good user experience as the Trust Wallet mobile app and the multi-chain coverage. We build for users to empower them whichever device they prefer, to continue to access the exciting dApps on different chains. This is our initial step, and we will listen to users and developers’ feedback to improve.”

About Trust Wallet Mobile

The Trust Wallet mobile app comes with a variety of features such as NFT support, multi-wallet support, fiat on-ramp providers, etc. This multi-chain noncustodial mobile wallet allows users to store over 8 million crypto assets including both tokens and NFTs across 70+ blockchains.

Thus, users can have all of their crypto assets secure in a single place, completely controlled by themselves. Trust Wallet mobile will store all the assets on-chain and private keys on your mobile. This gives users complete control over their asset holdings.

Furthermore, with Trust Wallet mobile users can natively buy, swap and stake their favorite digital assets without leaving the app. They can also connect to dApps with the in-built DApp browser.

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Source: https://www.coinspeaker.com/trust-wallet-browser-extension/