Амерички дом објављује нацрт закона о стабилном новцу како би унео јасноћу и дао овлашћења Фед-у

Комитет за финансијске услуге америчког Конгреса has released a draft stablecoin bill in bipartisanship between House Републиканци Демократе. The full Financial Services Committee hearing on Tuesday aims to bring “clarity” regarding the digital asset market structure и регулисање плаћање стабилних кокова.

US House to Provide Clarity on the Digital Asset Ecosystem

The full US House Financial Services Committee hearing “The Future of Digital Assets: Providing Clarity for the Digital Asset Ecosystem” is scheduled on June 13.

The Financial Services Committee has released a third draft stablecoin bill combining concepts of both Republicans’ and Democrats’ financial services committees. The draft stablecoin bill aims regulation of payment stablecoins and other purposes.

“The term primary Federal payment stablecoin regulators means the Comptroller of the Currency, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and the National Credit Union Administration.”

The bill contains details on primary Federal regulators, regulations on who can issue and requirements of a payment stablecoin, supervision and enforcement, state-qualified payment stablecoin issuers, and interoperability.

If the bill is passed, it imposes a 2-year moratorium making it unlawful to issue, create, or originate an endogenously collateralized stablecoin not in existence on the date of enactment of this Act.

Амандман на Закон о инвестиционим саветницима из 1940 will add that payment stablecoins are not “securities.” Moreover, federal agencies will have more authority and oversight of stablecoins than state regulators.

Председник Патрицк МцХенри believes the bill marks the first step toward the regulation of crypto in the US. However, it’s still unclear what Democrats think about the bill. The bill needs to pass the US House and the US Senate to establish the first stablecoin regulation.

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Clarity on the SEC and the CFTC Jurisdiction on Crypto

Према Digital Asset Market Structure Discussion Draft, the SEC’s jurisdiction is over digital assets offered as part of an investment contract. The CFTC will have jurisdiction over the digital commodity spot market.

The witnesses in the hearing include USDC-issuer Circle CEO Јереми Аллаире, Steptoe & Johnson LLP partner Coy Garrison, Ava Labs CEO Емин Гун Сирер, and National Futures Association president Thomas Sexton III.

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Мооки Пресале


Вариндер има 10 година искуства у Финтецх сектору, са преко 5 година посвећених блоцкцхаин, крипто и Веб3 развоју. Будући да је технолошки ентузијаста и аналитички мислилац, он је своје знање о дисруптивним технологијама поделио у преко 5000+ вести, чланака и новина. Са ЦоинГапе Медиа, Вариндер верује у огроман потенцијал ових иновативних технологија будућности. Тренутно покрива сва најновија ажурирања и развој у крипто индустрији.

Представљени садржај може садржати лично мишљење аутора и подложан је тржишним условима. Истражите тржиште пре него што инвестирате у крипто валуте. Аутор или публикација не сноси никакву одговорност за ваш лични финансијски губитак.

Source: https://coingape.com/us-house-releases-stablecoin-bill-bring-clarity-giving-fed-authority/