УСДЦ, Акеларов нови протокол има замену унакрсних ланаца без мостова; укида премоштене жетоне

The decentralized, permissionless cross-chain platform Axelar and USDC creator Circle have announced the Протокол за међуланчани пренос, which looks to revolutionize cross-chain transfers across the crypto industry.

Jason Ma from Axelar stated that “we finally have real programmable money.”

USDC will be able to be transferred cross-chain without the need for either wrapped tokens or assets being held at a cross-chain bridge.

Bridges are notorious for having been subject to significant exploits in the past. Two of the largest bridges to be drained of funds were the Binance BSC bridge and the Ronin Bridge. The combined value of funds initially removed from the two platforms topped $1 trillion.

Jason Ma from Axelar exclusively told CrytoSlate that this update impacts all crypto users in that,

„ЛП-ови никада не држе премоштену имовину. Ово уклања највећу тачку трења на коју смо наишли када смо разговарали са Блуе-цхип ДеФи апликацијама. Постоји само одређени ризик за кориснике током малог временског периода."

In terms of use cases, the CCTP addition allows for myriad options for cross-chain swaps. A token swap can be routed through USDC on one chain and then seamlessly transferred to another chain, where it is routed to the desired token on the new chain. In this scenario, no tokens are held in bridges, and no subsequent wrapped version of the token is on the final chain.

The update to USDC also allows for унакрсни НФТ-ови as a part of the new partnership with Axelar’s General Message Passing technology.

Source: https://cryptoslate.com/usdc-axelars-new-protocol-has-bridge-free-cross-chain-swaps-does-away-with-bridged-tokens/