ВеЦхаин уклања накнаде за трансакције за кориснике дАпп-а

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Crypto project VeChain is making upgrades to its platform to drive mass adoption.

VeChain, a flexible enterprise-grade L1 smart contract platform, just recently announced that it hit another milestone within its ecosystem. Using VeChain Fee Delegation as a leverage point, the platform has already sponsored over 2 million VTHO, making it possible for artists, collectors, and projects to engage with one another and grow together.

The blockchain platform added that it eliminated the requirement of paying transaction fees for users of decentralized applications (dApps) and solved one of the most significant problems inhibiting widespread blockchain adoption, creating space for widespread adoption.

“We’ve removed the need for дАпп users pay transaction fees & tackled one of the biggest challenges facing mainstream adoption of блоцкцхаин".

Vechain’s CEO also admired the upgrade.

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Source: https://thecryptobasic.com/2022/07/29/vechain-removes-transaction-fees-for-dapp-users/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=vechain-removes-transaction-fees-for-dapp-users