Веном фондација у партнерству са Ицеберг Цапиталом покреће Веном Вентурес фонд од милијарду долара

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Абу Даби, Абу Даби, 11. јануар 2023, Цхаинвире

Веном Фоундатион, први Лаиер-1 блоцкцхаин лиценциран и регулисан од стране Абу Дабија Глобал Маркет (АДГМ), и Ицеберг Цапитал, АДГМ регулисан инвестициони менаџер, званично објављују да су се удружили у покретању ризичног фонда од милијарду долара под називом Веном Вентурес Фунд ( ВВФ). 

The blockchain-agnostic fund will invest in innovative protocols and Web3 dApps, focusing on long-term trends such as payments, asset management, DeFi, banking services, and GameFi. It aims to become the leading supporter of the next-generation digital technologies and entrepreneurs.

Venom Ventures Fund (VVF) will leverage Iceberg Capital’s network, expertise, and capabilities to offer incubation programs and access to an extensive industry network. Furthermore, it will assist the investee projects with marketing, exchange listing, technical, legal, and regulatory support. 

The fund’s leadership team consists of some of the world’s most experienced traditional finance and blockchain professionals; including Peter Knez, ex-CIO at BlackRock and Mustafa Kheriba, a seasoned and well-known investment professional with an impressive track record in the MENA region. Mustafa has served on the Board of Directors of several financial services and insurance companies in the Middle-east and Europe.

Operated by Iceberg Capital, the fund will be investing in projects and teams from pre-seed to Series A rounds. It will strive to accelerate the adoption of blockchain, DeFi, and Web3 while generating long-term value for investors.

Мустафа Кхериба, извршни председник Ицеберг Цапитал-а, рекао је „We are thrilled to partner with Venom Foundation, launching their new $1 billion fund. Even though the blockchain industry is witnessing a steep correction in prices, we believe that builders will continue to build and innovate. With Venom Ventures, we will be providing financial, technical, and marketing support to the most promising teams and projects in Web3 space to help them bring their visions to life."

The Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM) is an international financial center and free zone that provides market participants with a world-class legal system and regulatory regime. Established and operated by ADGM regulated entities, Venom Ventures Fund (VVF) will be transparent and will adhere to the regulations. 

Петер Кнез, председник Веном Вентурес, рекао је, “I am delighted to be a part of the launch of our new Venture Capital fund here in Abu Dhabi. I am excited to work with a team of experienced investment professionals and talented people from the crypto industry, and we are ready to allocate strategic investments in the most innovative web3 start-ups that are poised for mass adoption. Our mission is to transform digital asset management and make a lasting impact on the industry. Venom is the ideal platform for us to achieve this goal.”

Веном Вентурес Фунд (ВВФ) предводи фонд од 20 милиона долара у Нуми Метаверсе

Фонд је направио своју прву инвестицију, водећи Нуми Метаверсе круг финансирања од 20 милиона долара. Нуми Метаверсе је универзална платформа за креаторе, иноваторе и следбенике. Нуми ће 2023. лансирати свој „Визуелни роман“, искуство мини-игре са низом специјалних награда за играче.

Nümi will also launch VR metaverse by the end of this year, followed by a PC and mobile version in 2024. The Nümi investment showcases the fund’s investment strategy. Developers and builders working on innovative Web3 projects are invited to apply for funding through the Веб страница Веном Вентурес Фунд.

О Ицеберг Цапиталу

Iceberg Capital Limited is regulated by FSRA as a Prudential Category 3C investment manager based in ADGM. Iceberg Capital is a fast-growing alternative asset management company that provides diversified investment management platforms that includes direct and private equity, venture capital, technology, and virtual assets. Iceberg Capital also offers traditional asset management services such as investment portfolios in local and international markets, financial instruments (equities, ETFs, commodities, derivatives, etc), as well as specialized platforms for securities, and blockchain technology.

За више информација о Ицеберг Цапиталу, посетите: вебсајт | ЛинкедИн

О Веном фондацији

Веном је први регулисани блоцкцхаин на свету. Децентрализована мрежа ради под јурисдикцијом АДГМ-а, са лиценцом за издавање услужних токена. АДГМ је оаза за инвеститоре и компаније за финансијске услуге, позиционирајући Веном као први блок ланац на свету који је усклађен, пружајући властима и предузећима слободу да граде, иновирају и скалирају.

Различите компаније су развиле портфолио интерних дАппс-а и протокола на Веном блоцкцхаин-у. Сада има потенцијал да постане мост за усвајање ЦБДЦ-а на Блиском истоку, у северној Африци и широм света.

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За више информација о Веном Фондацији, посетите: вебсајт  |  Twitter


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Source: https://thecryptobasic.com/2023/01/11/venom-foundation-in-partnership-with-iceberg-capital-launches-1-billion-venom-ventures-fund/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=venom-foundation-in-partnership-with-iceberg-capital-launches-1-billion-venom-ventures-fund