Восак (ВАКСП) и Мусхе (КСМУ): Еколошки прихватљива будућност криптовалуте

Cryptocurrencies have been hailed as the future. Decentralised Finance (DeFi) is  providing greater transparency and security for users all over the world. However, there is an inconvenient truth that faces the industry: its environmental impact. 

Bitcoin is estimated to use 136.38 terawatt-hours of electricity annually, more than Argentina or the United Arab Emirates, with each transaction using as much power as an average American household over 73.52 days. Alongside this, the second-biggest cryptocurrency, Ethereum consumes more power than the Philippines or Belgium.

Неколико цриптоцурренциес have reacted to the environmental threat being posed by their industry and formed their version of the Paris Accord, the Crypto Climate Accord. By 2025 they aim to use fully renewable energy and, by 2030, to have net-zero emissions. восак (ВАКСП), a certified carbon-neutral blockchain, and the newly launched Мусхе токен (КСМУ) are taking their commitment to sustainability seriously too, leading the industry when it comes to environmental responsibility.

Mushe Token –  The Eco-Friendly Cryptocurrency

Launching in July and with the pre-sale starting in April, the new цриптоцурренци, Mushe token (XMU) is predicted to make waves with its lower entry costs, focus on crypto-education and general ease of use. The creators of КСМУ have focused not only on accessibility and the user experience but have also already made an important еколошки приврженост. 

Leaving high-power Ethereum-esk consumption proof of work mining behind, the new XMU will consume far less energy than tokens like Bitcoin and will also incentivise the development of еколошки технологије. 

Мусхе Токен focuses on wellbeing and will encourage Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) initiatives, through a reward system.

1% of Mushe’s total assets have already been allocated to charitable causes with еколошки agendas, such as preventing world hunger, whilst Constellation, its blockchain provider, also has a long-term commitment to using 100% renewable energy.


Wax – The Carbon Neutral Crypto

Восак has taken centre-stage in the дефи world with its alternative to the Ethereum-based NFT marketplaces. It is estimated that selling NFTs with WAXP више него Ethereum has already saved four million tons of carbon dioxide from being released into the atmosphere. This would take 88.9 million tree seedlings ten years to counter.

At a time when blockchains seem to be sending us back to the coal age, Восак is a breath of fresh air. Just like Mushe, it refuses to work with proof of work mining, where powerful computers fight to solve complex equations and be rewarded with tokens. Instead, it focuses on a proof of stake system. 

With this system, users offer WAXP as collateral so their machines can verify blocks. “Validators” are then randomly selected to mine. This eliminates the competition and significantly reduces the environmental cost.

While there are concerns over the future role of cryptocurrencies, given the еколошки impact many have, ambitious companies are looking to pave the way to a more responsible form of crypto. 


дефи is the future, and with the Crypto Climate Accord and groundbreaking companies such as Mushe and Wax, there is hope that the future can be more sustainable too.   

Сазнајте више овде:

Званични сајт: https://www.mushe.world/

Presale Registration : https://portal.mushe.world/sign-up

телеграм: https://t.me/MusheWorldXMU

Твиттер: https://twitter.com/Mushe_World

инстаграм: https://www.instagram.com/mushe_world/

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Source: https://cryptodaily.co.uk/2022/04/wax-waxp-and-mushe-xmu-the-eco-friendly-future-of-cryptocurrency