„Постали смо превише самоуверени и немарни“ – оснивач ФТКС-а СБФ

FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried aka SBF is carrying on with his weird tweets that started two days back. In his recent tweet SBF accepts he got carried ahead with all fame and glory leading to his overconfidence. Meanwhile, US congress has announced to hold a hearing on FTX collapse including Binance and others.

SBF blames High leverage as reason for FTX collapse

FTX crisis has exposed the whole crypto industry and many companies are facing serious finance problems. Meanwhile, SBF has continued with his twitter thread and he today explained his reasoning behind FTX crisis. SBF says that he was wrong about the leverage which he calculated were $5 billion. He cites $13 billion leverage and FTT token price crash as ultimate reasons for FTX demise.

FTX Crisis

Meanwhile, crypto community is not convinced with his justifications and continues to demand strong legal actions against SBF. One of the twitter users accused SBF of stealing users funds. Crypto community believes user funds at FTX exchange were used by Alameda to do their investments.

ФТКС Цоллапсе

 More crypto companies facing similar fate as FTX

FTX crisis is making day to day operations difficult for many entities. Yesterday, the news of БлоцкФи поднео захтев за банкрот shook the crypto world again. Today, Genesis Global capital and Gemini exchange were talk of the crypto community.

Genesis Global a company with $2.8 Billion in active loans today decided to suspend customer withdrawals. It is worth noting that Genesis is also a victim of Terral Luna collapse earlier this year. Gemini crypto exchange went down today causing panic among investors. The outage was short lived but users were unable withdraw funds for hours.

Fortunately, Gemini is back online and withdrawals are working normal. But, clearly FTX failure is definitely not short lives and worst isn’t behind yet.

Сунил је серијски предузетник и већ 2 године ради у блок ланцу и простору крипто валута. Раније је био суоснивач Владе. из Индије подржао је старт-уп ИнТхинкс и тренутно је главни уредник у Цоингапе-у и извршни директор СкуадКс-а, финтецх стартупа. Објавио је више од 100 чланака о крипто валутама и блок ланцима и помогао је бројним ИЦО-има у њиховом успеху. Ко-дизајнирао је индустријску обуку за развој блоцкцхаин-а и био је домаћин многих интервјуа у прошлости. Пратите га на Твиттер-у на @ схармасунил8114 и обратите му се на сунил (ат) цоингапе.цом

Представљени садржај може садржати лично мишљење аутора и подложан је тржишним условима. Истражите тржиште пре него што инвестирате у крипто валуте. Аутор или публикација не сноси никакву одговорност за ваш лични финансијски губитак.

Source: https://coingape.com/we-got-overconfident-ftx-sbf/