Где се води тужба од 1.38 милијарди долара између Риппле-а и СЕЦ-а?

Вести о КСРП тужби: XRP was created by Ripple founders in June 2012. In December 2020, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) took legal action against Rippl, Christian Larsen and Bradley Garlinghouse. The SEC claimed that the founders and executives of the had been using it to conduct a 1.3 billion USD unregistered security offering. Thus making it a “security”. They also pointed out that because it’s a security, it should be registered under SEC to protect investors and avoid fraud.

In return, Ripple argued that the SEC has been biased, has linkages with institutions, and never gave any prior warning to the firm. Also, it has claimed that it has no connections with promoting the token and getting benefits from it.

Where are the roots XRP lawsuit?

However, William Hinman, the former director of Corporation finance at the SEC, soiled the crypto market at the Yahoo Market Summits in 2018. He mentioned in his speech that Bitcoin is децентрализовано and ETH had become ‘sufficiently decentralized’ with time. There were no such guidelines or rules by SEC on the basis of which they measured digital assets. At that time, Hinman was receiving funds from his previous law firm, Simpson Thacher. The firm was part of an industry company Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (EEA), whose role is to drive the use of Ethereum tokens.

This incident clearly concluded to Ripple, that XRP will not be considered a security but a commodity or a virtual currency. Ripple uses XRP as a bridge for payments to make it faster, cheaper, and more convenient.

Такођер прочитајте: XRP Lawsuit: Is Ripple Losing This “Key Battle” Against SEC?

The gyst of most recent argument

In the latest argument, both parties asked the U.S. district judge Analisa Torres to give a Summary Judgment in their favor. They also asked the District judge not to take it to the trials. Either one will be declared the winner of the case or it will be shortened to take it to the jury.

In this, Ripple argues that SEC wants XRP to be called an investment contract that doesn’t have any contracts, investor rights, or issuer obligations. Defendants also said the SEC was trying to change the statutes of its authority through this lawsuit. SEC in turn argued, XRP is taking support of a test that is unreal and ignores the law of the U.S.

As of now, both parties are requesting the court to set a deadline for sealing some materials of the Summary Judgment in the XRP lawsuit.

Схоуриа је крипто фанатик који је развио интересовање за пословно новинарство у последњих неколико година. Тренутно, радећи као писац са Цоингапеом, Схоуриа је такође страствени читалац. Осим што пише, можете је наћи и да присуствује емисијама поезије, истражује кафиће и гледа крикет. Како каже, „пси су мој дом“, њено прво спасавање пса било је са 7 година! Стално се залагала за ментално здравље и дугини понос.

Представљени садржај може садржати лично мишљење аутора и подложан је тржишним условима. Истражите тржиште пре него што инвестирате у крипто валуте. Аутор или публикација не сноси никакву одговорност за ваш лични финансијски губитак.

Source: https://coingape.com/xrp-lawsuit-news-where-is-1-38-billion-lawsuit-between-ripple-and-sec-headed/