Битцоин остаје изнад 16,000 долара јер се трговци не слажу око правца тржишта

26. децембар 2022. у 13:32 // Cena

The BTC price will remain in a trading range above the $16,000 support

Bitcoin (BTC) has held steady above the $16,000 support level. Since the price rally on December 20, price action has remained consistent below the $17,000 level and above the $16,000 support.

Дугорочна прогноза цене биткоина: медведа

On December 22, sellers pushed the price to a low of $16,588, but the bulls struck. The next day, buyers pushed the BTC price to a high of $16,966, but were beaten back by the $17,000 level. After the recent price war, the BTC price was characterised by small candlesticks called doji. These candlesticks indicate that buyers and sellers disagree on the direction of the market. As a result, the BTC price will remain in a trading range above the $16,000 support. Today, the BTC price is rejected at the 50-day simple moving average (SMA). If the price falls below the $16,000 support, it will drop to a low of $15,588. Likewise, a rally will drive bitcoin to a high of $18,000.

Дисплеј Битцоин индикатора 

The Relative Strength Index is currently at 47, with the RSI unchanged as the market consolidates above the $16,000 support level. The price bars are below the moving average lines, indicating that the cryptocurrency value is likely to fall. The horizontal slope of the moving average lines indicates a movement within a certain range. Bitcoin is in a downtrend on the 4-hour chart and is below the 80 level on the daily Stochastic. 

БТЦУСД (Дневни графикон) - 26.22.јпг

Технички индикатори 

Кључни нивои отпора - 30,000 и 35,000 долара

Кључни нивои подршке - 20,000 и 15,000 долара

Који је следећи правац за БТЦ / УСД? 

Bitcoin (BTC) is trading sideways above the $16,000 support level. Bitcoin is consolidating above the current support on the 4-hour chart, with small candlesticks. These candlesticks are responsible for the current price movement.

БТЦУСД(4-часовни графикон) - 26.22.јпг

Одрицање од одговорности. Ова анализа и прогноза су лично мишљење аутора и нису препорука за куповину или продају криптовалуте и не треба их посматрати као подршку од стране ЦоинИдола. Читаоци би требало да истраже пре него што уложе у фондове.

Source: https://coinidol.com/bitcoin-remains-16000/