Фирма за крипто аналитику Глассноде каже да је скоро половина власника биткоина (БТЦ) на губитку, процењује ЕТХ и УСДТ

Market intelligence firm Glassnode is assessing a trio of crypto assets as the markets seek to end the week on a positive note.

In its latest analysis, Glassnode каже nearly half of the Bitcoin (BTC) located in non-exchange wallets are sitting on unrealized losses.

According to Glassnode, nearly 60% of those owners are considered long-term holders, mirroring the past two capitulation events.

“The proportion of Bitcoin supply in loss has hit 48.1% of all coins held outside exchanges.

Of these BTC in loss, almost 60% of them are held by long-term holders (28.6% of total).

Both metrics are at similar levels to the November-December 2018, and March 2020 capitulation phases.”

Извор: Глассноде / Твиттер

Bitcoin is rallying today, up 5.19% over the last 24 hours, trading for $21,705.

Moving onto Ethereum (ETH), the analytics firm примећује the vast majority of stakers on ETH 2.0 are in the red because ETH has collapsed by over 75% since November of 2021 and staked tokens will remain locked until the upcoming Shanghai hard fork is complete.

“Ethereum 2.0 stakers have deposited over 12.98 million ETH, with 62% of it flowing in before the November [all-time high].

However, with ETH prices collapsing over 78%, and coins unable to be withdrawn, only 17% of staked ETH is now in profit.”

Извор: Глассноде / Твиттер

Ethereum мења власника за 1,221 долара у време писања.

Glassnode then анализе the changing stablecoin landscape. The US dollar-pegged Tether (USDT) dominated the niche up until two years ago but has since declined in popularity by nearly 50%.

Фирма праменови three other stablecoins which have gained market share, including Кованица америчког долара (USDC) at 38.1%, Binance USD (BUSD) at 12.0% and даи (DAI) at 4.7%.

“Over the last two years, the dominance of Tether has been in macro decline.

USDT has fallen from 88.3% of the stablecoin market to 45.2% today, now less than half of the market.

USDC dominance has grown 4.2x, BUSD by 7.5x, and DAI by 3.9x over the same 2-year time frame.”

Извор: Глассноде / Твиттер

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Featured Image: Shutterstock/Blue Planet Studio/Chuenmanuse

Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2022/07/08/crypto-analytics-firm-glassnode-says-nearly-half-of-bitcoin-btc-holders-at-a-loss-evaluates-eth-and-usdt/