Гиант дигиталних средстава Граисцале лансира нови инвестициони производ у биткоин и крипто инфраструктуру

Crypto asset management giant Grayscale is rolling out a new investment product focusing on Bitcoin (BTC) Рударство.

According to a new press release, the company now понуде private investment in Bitcoin mining hardware through the Grayscale Digital Infrastructure Opportunities LLC (GDIO).

Explains Grayscale chief executive Michael Sonnenshein,

“Grayscale’s unique position at the center of the crypto ecosystem enables us to create offerings that allow investors to put capital to work through differing market cycles. Our team has long been committed to lowering the barrier for investing in the crypto ecosystem – from direct digital asset exposure, to diversified thematic products, and now infrastructure through GDIO.”

Grayscale bills the product as “designed to capture the upside of crypto winter.” The investment’s operations will be managed by the company’s affiliated digital asset mining and staking infrastructure firm, Foundry.

GDIO is open to individual and institutional accredited investors. Accredited investors are defined by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) as individuals with $200,000 in annual income or $300,000 in joint income for the last two years and the expectation that they will match that in the current year.

Grayscale currently понуде 17 other digital asset investment products. The largest is the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC), which has more than $12.7 billion worth of assets under management at time of writing.

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Истакнута слика: Схуттерстоцк/Ко је Данни

Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2022/10/07/digital-asset-giant-grayscale-launches-new-bitcoin-and-crypto-infrastructure-investment-product/