Елон Муск каже да ће Спацек ускоро прихватити Догецоин за робу – претплате на Старлинк би могле да следе – Алтцоинс Битцоин вести

Spacex and Tesla CEO Elon Musk says that dogecoin will soon be accepted at Spacex for merchandise, in the same way Tesla is accepting DOGE payments. Furthermore, Starlink subscriptions may also be paid with dogecoin “one day.”

Spacex to Soon Accept Dogecoin for Merchandise

Dogecoin got a little boost Friday when Tesla CEO Elon Musk announced via Twitter that Spacex will soon accept the meme cryptocurrency for merchandise. The Spacex boss tweeted: “Tesla merch can be bought with DOGE, soon Spacex merch too.”

In addition, Musk said that Spacex’s Starlink subscriptions may “one day” be paid with dogecoin. Starlink provides “High-speed, low-latency broadband internet in remote and rural locations across the globe,” its website describes.

Following Musk’s tweet about Spacex accepting dogecoin, the price of the meme cryptocurrency spiked. At the time of his tweet, DOGE was trading at $0.078399 per coin. It quickly rose more than 8% to $0.084927. However, the meme coin soon lost most of its gains and is currently trading at $0.081469.

Тесла почео да прихвата dogecoin payments in January for some merchandise, and the electric car company currently accepts no other cryptocurrencies. The company used to прихвати битцоин for products but престао due to environmental concerns. Musk said in June last year that Tesla will resume accepting BTC when miners can confirm 50% clean energy usage. However, he has yet to revisit the subject.

Musk has long been a supporter of dogecoin. He is known in the crypto community as the Dogefather. The Tesla boss previously revealed that he owns bitcoin, ether, and dogecoin. However, Spacex only owns bitcoin. In April, Tesla’s balance sheet shows $ КСНУМКС милијарди у дигиталној имовини.

The Spacex chief said in May that dogecoin has потенцијал као валута while bitcoin is better suited as a продавница вредности.

The Tesla and Spacex CEO is currently trying to купити Твиттер. However, the deal is currently ставити на чекање pending details supporting the calculation that spam and fake accounts represent less than 5% of the social media platform’s users.

Ознаке у овој причи
Доге, догецоин, елон Муск доге, елон мошус догецоин, spacex accepts doge, spacex bitcoin, spacex crypto, spacex cryptocurrency, spacex doge, спацек догецоин, starlink doge, starlink dogecoin

What do you think about Elon Musk’s announcement that Spacex will soon accept dogecoin and Starlink subscriptions could follow? Let us know in the comments section below.

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Source: https://news.bitcoin.com/elon-musk-says-spacex-will-soon-accept-dogecoin-for-merchandise-starlink-subscriptions-could-follow/