Пад водећих индикатора, пад цене биткоина?

The crypto market is struggling due to various macroeconomic factors. The price of Bitcoin continues to remain sluggish. BTC fell by over 2% in the last 24 hours and is trading at $19,177. The correction after the crypto rally has erased all the BTC gains. It is barely holding on to a 0.27% increase for the last 7 days. According to Чарлс Шваб, the worry for Bitcoin investors may just be beginning due to the recession.

Jeffrey Kleintop, the Chief Global Investment Strategist at Charles Schwab reveals that one of the leading indicators of the global economy has fallen to dangerous levels. He highlights that the OECD total leading indicators су упали у опасна територија. Kleintop believes that every time this index falls below 99, the global economy faces a рецесија.

He further elaborates that this indicator last fell below 99 in 2020, when the global economy faced a recession due to the pandemic. Similarly, it fell below 99 in early 2008, early 2001, late 1990, late 1981, mid-1974, and mid-1970.

It is currently below the 99 mark.

Is The Economy Entering A Recession

The composite leading indicator highlights a potentially major shift in the economic outlook. It also reveals any dangerous abnormality in global business activity. OECD data highlights that the индекс поверења потрошача has fallen to an even worse level than the 2020 pandemic and 2008 subprime mortgage crisis.

Недавно објављено Емпире Стате Мануфацтуринг Индек also reveals an alarming fall in the manufacturing outlook in New York.

The World Bank has already highlighted that the global economy will face a major recession in 2023. The demand slowdown is a result of the hawkish policy guidance of central banks. The Федералне резерве has already stated that the cost of doing too little to curb инфлација is higher than the cost of doing too much.

How Will Bitcoin Price Perform During Recession

Bitcoin was invented after the last major recession in 2009. Therefore, there is no hard evidence as to how the largest cryptocurrency will perform. If the Fed pivots to tackle the demand slowdown, Bitcoin prices can skyrocket due to квантитативног попуштања.

However, the stock market does not typically perform well during a recession. Since Bitcoin is strongly correlated to the stock market, it can suffer heavy losses due to recession.

Нидхисх је технолошки ентузијаста, чији је циљ да пронађе елегантна техничка решења за решавање неких од највећих друштвених проблема. Он чврсто верује у децентрализацију и жели да ради на усвајању Блоцкцхаин-а. Такође се бави скоро свим популарним спортовима и воли да разговара о разним темама.

Представљени садржај може садржати лично мишљење аутора и подложан је тржишним условима. Истражите тржиште пре него што инвестирате у крипто валуте. Аутор или публикација не сноси никакву одговорност за ваш лични финансијски губитак.

Source: https://coingape.com/charles-schwab-reveals-dangerous-news-for-bitcoin-price/