Старкваре планира да отвори кључну технологију отвореног кода повезану са Старкнет Провером – Битцоин вести

At the Starkware Sessions 2023 event, held at the Cameri Theatre in Tel Aviv, Israel, Starkware co-founder Eli Ben-Sasson informed the audience that the company intends to open source “key tech” linked to the Starknet Prover. During the event, the co-founder of the Ethereum scaling project stated that this marks a “significant step for scaling Ethereum and cryptography.”

Starkware to Open Source Key Component of Ethereum Scaling Project

The Ethereum scaling project, Старкваре, has declared that the team intends to open source the component of Старкнет known as the Starknet Prover. This component generates cryptographic proofs for compressed groups of transactions. Starkware has already open-sourced the project’s software, папирус, and the programming language, Каиро КСНУМКС. објава of the open sourcing of the Starknet Prover was made at the Старкваре Сессионс 2023 conference in Tel Aviv, Israel.

At the event, attendees learned about technologies such as storage proofs and the лансирање of a plug-and-play full-node called Starknode by Kasar Labs. “This is a landmark moment for scaling Ethereum and, in a broader sense, for cryptography,” said Ели Бен-Сасон, co-founder and president of Starkware. “We view the Prover as the magic wand of Stark technology. It wondrously generates the proofs that enable unfathomable scaling,” added the Starkware executive.

The Starkware service, Starknet, became operational in Nov. 2021. The project has made numerous advances in 2022, including the open sourcing of Papyrus and Cairo. In March 2022, the blockchain API and node service, Alchemy, најавила its use of the Ethereum layer two (L2) service, Starknet. The following month, MakerDAO обелодањују plans to integrate Starknet to reduce DAI transfer costs. At the end of Dec. 2022, payment giant Visa published a блог пост discussing the leveraging of Ethereum and the L2 service, Starknet.

In Nov. 2022, Starkware утврђен a nonprofit foundation with the aim of enhancing the development of the software and the Starknet infrastructure. The project’s co-founder stated that, of course, Stark technology is not actually magic. Rather, the Starknet Prover is “sound cryptography” and the company wants “everyone who wants to make it their own.” The president of the company added that developers and software engineers “should have a full understanding of how it works, be able to modify and edit the code, and distribute it further.”

Starkware and its Starknet project are among many Ethereum scaling and L2 projects, as competition has become significant over the past two years. Users have a variety of solutions to choose from, including Arbitrum, Optimism, Loopring, Zksync, Metis, Polygon, Hermez, Immutable X, Aztec, and Boba Network. On Feb. 5, 2023, the average cost to leverage Starknet’s general-purpose ZK rollup was $0.21 per transfer, while the cost to swap a token via Starknet was $0.52, according to current метрике истог дана.

Ознаке у овој причи
Алхемија, blockchain API, Блог Пост, Каиро КСНУМКС, суоснивач, код, Конференција, криптографски докази, Криптографија, Програмери, Развој, дистрибуиран, Ели Бен-Сасон, ETH, Ethereum layer two, Етхереум Сцалинг, инфраструктура, Израел, Касар Лабс, L2, макердао, услуга чвора, непрофитна фондација, open соурце, оперативан, папирус, plug-and-play full-node, програмски језик, Скалирање, софтвер, софтверски инжињери, Starknet Prover, Starknode, старкваре, storage proofs, Тел Авив, трансакције, transfer costs, Виса

What are your thoughts on the open sourcing of the Starknet Prover and its potential impact on the Ethereum scaling project and the field of cryptography as a whole? Let us know in the comments section below.

Јамие Редман

Џејми Редман је водитељ вести у Битцоин.цом Невс-у и новинар о финансијским технологијама који живи на Флориди. Редман је активан члан заједнице криптовалута од 2011. Он има страст према Битцоин-у, коду отвореног кода и децентрализованим апликацијама. Од септембра 2015. Редман је написао више од 6,000 чланака за Битцоин.цом Невс о реметилачким протоколима који се појављују данас.

Кредити за слике: Схуттерстоцк, Пикабаи, Вики Цоммонс

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Source: https://news.bitcoin.com/starkware-plans-to-open-source-key-tech-linked-to-starknet-prover/