5Г бежична мрежа Хелијум предлаже миграцију на Солана Блоцкцхаин

Decentralized peer-to-peer (P2P) 5G wireless network Helium is proposing to migrate its own network, officially known as HIP 70, to Solana in search of more efficient operations.

Основана 2013. године, Хелиум мрежа је прва светска пеер-то-пеер ЛоРаВАН бежична Интернет оф Тхингс, позната и као „Мрежа људи“.

Хелијум мења начин на који се повезујемо и проширујемо светске бежичне мреже. Хелијумова мрежа врућих тачака која се стално шири омогућава свакоме да поседује и управља бежичном мрежом за уређаје Интернета ствари (ИоТ) мале снаге, док купци могу да зарађују постављањем и учешћем у мрежи користећи криптографски токен који се зове ХНТ награда.

The Helium Foundation says it addresses current user needs by moving to the Solana blockchain to achieve faster transaction speeds, longer uptime and more interoperability with other blockchains.

Helium developers said that:

“Solana is a layer 1 blockchain that focuses on the importance of scalability and speed and the network does not compromise on security or scalability.”

Community voting on this proposal began on September 12 and ended on September 18.

As of now, the network has more than 1 million “hotspots” running on the Helium network, most of which are concentrated in the US, Europe and China.

The addition of large institutions such as Andreessen Horowitz also confirms the future prospects of the network.

On September 2, according to Coinmarketcap data, the HNT token lost 1.09% in the past 24 hours, with a тржишна капа of $613,196,579. As of this writing, HNT is trading at $4.89.

In February, Helium raised $200 million in a Series D funding round led by Tiger Global and FTX Ventures at a $1.2 billion valuation.

Извор слике: Схуттерстоцк

Source: https://blockchain.news/news/5g-wireless-network-helium-proposes-migration-to-solana-blockchain